Replace desserts with dark chocolate

A new study has revealed that cocoa flavanols present in dark chocolates lowers blood pressure and increases blood vessel function in healthy people. Here are eight foods that are also good for your heart
New studies by the EU-funded FLAVIOLA research consortium demonstrate that consuming cocoa flavanols improves cardiovascular function and lessens the burden on the heart that comes with the ageing and stiffening of arteries. Also, the cocoa flavanols reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Researcher Malte Kelm said that with the world population getting older, the incidence of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and stroke will only increase and that people must understand the positive impact diet can have on cardiovascular disease risk.

How it helps
Cocoa flavanols are plant-derived bioactives from the cacao bean. Dietary intake of flavanols has been shown to have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health but the compounds are often destroyed during normal food processing. The studies found that cocoa flavanols increase blood vessel flexibility and lower blood pressure. The two studies are published in the journals Age and the British Journal of Nutrition (BJN).
So if you have a sweet tooth replace your desserts with a piece or two of dark chocolate and give your heart a boost in energy and improve its longevity.

Source :- The Health Site

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