Color Blindness Problems

Do you suffer from color blindness? Color blindness makes the person can not see the color or distinguish certain colors. The main cause is a defect in the growth cones of the retina that is responsible for color processing and transfer the information to the optic nerve.
Color Blindness
Color blindness is often associated with gender because the genes that produce the pigment photo was taken by the X chromosome If part of the gene was lost or damaged, it will happen more often in men than in women because men have only one X chromosome.

This problem can also occur as a result of physical or chemical damage to the eye, optic nerve or part of the brain. Color blindness is classified as moderate disability although sometimes it gives an advantage.

The symptoms of color blindness

1. The symptoms of color blindness such as :-
2. This problem can also occur as a result of physical or chemical damage to the eye, optic nerve or part of the brain. Color blindness is classified as moderate disability although sometimes it gives an advantage.
3. This is because people with color blindness can see better when there penyaramaran color and they can distinguish between colors that can not be seen by people with normal vision.

Color Blindness Diagnosed

Color Blindness diagnosed using this method
1. In one type of test, you look at sets of colored dots and try to find a pattern in them, such as a letter or number. The patterns you see help your doctor know which colors you have trouble with.
2. In another type of test, you arrange colored chips in order according to how similar the colors are. People with color vision problems cannot arrange the colored chips correctly.

Source :- WebMD