Most people make the same mistake thinking that cosmetic surgery is nothing more than just a routine procedure that doesn’t require any kind of special treatment or recovery. What’s even more ironic is that both, people who approve and don’t approve this kind of treatment share this opinion. The first ones simply believe in that just to make it easier for themselves to undertake something like that, while the latter ones consider it overly shallow. However, none of these statements is actually true. What you should always keep in mind is that, although its main purpose is to improve our look in the way we want it to, any cosmetic procedure is a real surgery, done by real surgeons, thus it requires special preparation, treatment and recovery.
One of the most common cosmetic procedures is definitely a rhinoplasty, during which one’s nose is completely reshaped. It can make everyone’s nose bugger or smaller, alter the tip of the nose and change the angle of the nose in relation to your upper lip. The entire procedure is today lead to perfection, so all the tiny incisions are made inside of the nose, leaving no visible scars.
On the other hand, since the procedure is very complex, what you need to expect is the temporary pain, puffy eyes, and of course, swollen and bruised nose. But, once these temporary, and by no means dangerous, side effects disappear, you will finally see your long awaited results. Here are some most important things you need to know about rhinoplasty recovery, in order to make it faster and successful.
Don’t take up any vigorous physical activities
What you should definitely expect after the surgery is that you must avoid any strenuous exercising for a couple of weeks. For example, you need to avoid sports like volleyball, football or basketball that require a lot of moving and running around. Also, playing any of these sports, you are at constant risk of getting smacked in the nose by either a ball or someone’s elbow. For people who play regular basketball, they buy their important equipments from https://www.megaslam.com.au/product-category/pro-gym
You should also avoid swimming and diving (especially the one in the swimming pool) for similar reasons. Apart from constantly being at risk of getting hit by someone or something, you will also get into the direct contact with chlorine that might get into your nose, which can be terribly unpleasant and painful. Therefore, if you want to play completely safe, stay away from the swimming pool for about a month.
Don’t rest your glasses on your nose
After the surgery, you the less weight you put on your nose, the better result will be. Since your nasal bones will be very sensitive, any kind of encumbrance might cause permanent nasal problems. Therefore, it’s maybe the right time for you to replace your favorite eyeglasses with the contact lenses that are much practical. Also, you should never wear eyeglasses, especially oversized ones.
Don’t expose yourself to sun after the surgery
In the summer, it is always recommended that we apply sunscreen regularly before any longer exposure to the sun. However, this is even more important right after the nose job because the sun could lead to permanent discoloration of your nose.
Drink a lot of water
Remember that your organism goes through an enormous shock and perceives a nose job as some kind of shock and that’s why you need to take special care of it. One of the most important things you should never forget is to drink a lot of water. Apart from drinking water, you could also drink tea for its healthy and enhances your blood count.
Balance your nutrition
Believe it or not, but ‘The Plastic Surgery Diet’ is a real thing! One of the most important thing every person should do before any kind of surgery is to balance their nutrition. By doing that, you will manage to eliminate all toxic substances from your body and ensure that both the procedure itself and the recovery will be utterly successful. Secondly, the surgery will be simpler and faster if you are in good shape, which means that the level of your body fat is lower.
Maintaining the healthy way of life is also important after the surgery. According to numerous medical records, it has been proven that unhealthy food could cause inflammations after the surgery and slow down your recovery. That’s why you need to make sure that you have eliminated all toxic and harmful substances and ingredients from your life for a couple of weeks. Intake a lot of veggies and fruits that contain fibers and vitamins that are necessary for your recovery. You should also choose food rich with low-fat proteins, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for the proper function of the organism.
Quit smoking
According to numerous experienced cosmetic surgeons, it is extremely important for you to prepare yourself both before and after nose job. The success of the procedure strongly depends on your lifestyle. Therefore, it is almost obligatory for you to quit smoking a month before the surgery and no to go back to this unhealthy habit at least three weeks after it. Maybe it’s the great way to finally quit smoking!
As you could probably notice, rhinoplasty, as any other kind of cosmetic surgery, is a real medical procedure that requires long recovery. However, what’s good about rhinoplasty recovery is that it will help you get rid of some unhealthy habits, such as smoking or consuming fatty food. Maybe it’s the key factor that will help you finally help you start leading healthier life. Good luck!
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