What Does the Medical Science Say About CBD Treatment?

Professional researchers working in a hemp field, they are checking plants and collecting samples for scientific tests

More and more people today are seeking more natural and safe treatments for anything that might be wrong with them. Researchers have done hundreds of studies to find out the benefits CBD has to offer, and they have found many positive results. There are so many diseases and disorders CBD could treat, and researchers have the science to back it up.

CBD and Seizures

The most significant and promising CBD research shows how beneficial CBD can be for people with epilepsy and those who have seizures for other various reasons. CBD has been used to effectively reduce seizures and even make them disappear for some people.

In a 2016 study, patients with epilepsy were given to CBD to find out if it would have any effect on their seizures. Most were able to control their seizures, and almost thirty percent reported that they had no seizures while using CBD. They slept better, had a bigger appetite, and reported improvements in their behavior and mood. The most common side effect they experienced was drowsiness, but they all said the side effects were manageable.

In 2018, the FDA approved an epilepsy medication that contains CBD. This is currently the only FDA approved medication containing CBD, further proving its benefits for people with epilepsy. It is believed that CBD slows down messages to the brain, changes calcium levels, and decreases inflammation, which all help to reduce seizures.

CBD and Mental Health

Researchers have also studied the effects CBD has on anxiety, depression, and other related disorders. In many studies, CBD altered both behavioral and physiological symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat and panic, and these symptoms were brought to a normal level during studies. Heartbeats lowered to a safe number, and panic decreased.

Anxiety and depression can both occur when serotonin levels in the brain are low. Researchers believe that CBD works with CB1 to alter serotonin signals in the brain, reducing anxiety and depression. It is also believed that CBD can cause the hippocampus, which helps regulate emotions, to function normally.

In a public speaking study, volunteers had to prepare and perform a speech. Some were given antidepressants, and some were given CBD. Those who took antidepressants were anxious, weren’t prepared, and they performed poorly. Those who took CBD felt a decrease in anxiety, which showed in their performances. CBD has been proven to make people feel more relaxed and even sleep better. Many people who use CBD report that it has helped them get their anxiety and depression under control.

CBD and Pain

CBD education isn’t limited to disorders that mostly involve the brain. Researches have done many studies on the benefits of CBD for pain management. According to HealthLine, pain management research has shown promising results. Many studies have shown that CBD reduces pain and inflammation with few side effects.

One of the greatest benefits of CBD may be cancer treatment. Researchers have given CBD to mice and found that their cancerous tumors shrunk. Although human studies have been minimal, CBD has proven to be helpful in reducing pain that comes from cancer. CBD also helps cancer patients reduce nausea and gain a better appetite. Studies have shown that CBD is more beneficial for pain management than opioids, and it is not habit-forming.

Several studies have been done on rats to find out if CBD would help with arthritis pain. In two separate studies, applying CBD topicals to rats with arthritis reduced inflammation, swelling, and joint pain. Unfortunately, there have not been any human studies that would offer true results of these benefits, but most people who use CBD for arthritis report positive results and often suggest it to others.

CBD has proven to be beneficial for other types of pain as well, such as migraines, fibromyalgia, and general chronic pain. Researchers have made this conclusion based on a large number of studies. They also find that the most common side effect is drowsiness, which is manageable.

Although more research is necessary for CBD to become a typical medical treatment, researchers are hopeful after finding so many benefits already. CBD seems to be able to help with most illnesses, leading many people to call it a “miracle drug.” So far, studies aren’t doing much to disprove this title. The results of these studies may offer just a glimpse of CBD’s full potential.

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