What snoring types there are?

Have you noticed that you snore while sleeping in some positions? A body posture and sleeping position can induce snoring even with people who usually don’t snore. Many people out there snore only when they are tired or haven’t slept for days. The others are, however, faced with this issue no matter in which position they sleep, or how tired they are. In order to cope with the snoring, you would have to find out why you snore. In this article, we will help you to realize what type of a snorer are you.

Occasional snoring

We mentioned above that fatigue can be a trigger for snoring. After a hard day, your body and mind would crave for some rest. As the tension of the day eases up, your whole organism will get completely relaxed. Laying on your back, with your tongue falling back to its base which will make you snore. However, if you don’t usually snore, once you get enough rest there will be no more bucksaw sounds.

The other possible cause of snoring is illness, viral infection or a flue. It will make your nose stuffed, but the flue may affect the whole respiratory system. Hard breathing is very often the reason why people snore.

Snoring induced by allergies

Seasonal allergies are one of the most common causes of snoring. What’s more, people who usually snore but have seasonal allergies may face severe breathing problems. Pollen and other allergens can easily make your nasal passages swollen. A person with an allergic reaction will breathe harder even through the day, but as the night comes, this problem would be intensified. Concluding, swollen passages and breathing through your mouth will produce snoring.

Allergies induce nasal snoring. Another possible cause of nasal snoring is the anatomic reason. If a person has a crooked nasal septum, snoring through the nose is more than possible. Some of the other indicators that a person might face with nasal snoring are dry throat, bad breath, and frequent headaches. To improve nasal breathing, we recommend you to use nasal strips or rinse your nose with salty water.

Tongue snoring

In comparison to the nasal snoring, the sound of tongue snoring is more intense. Receding chin will make the tongue fall back to the throat. This type of snoring is only possible if you are in a supine position, meaning if you sleep on your back. In this position, tongue partially blocks the airways and causes snoring.

The solution for tongue snoring might be a snoring backpack or a pillow. It is designed that disables a supine sleeping position. The pillow will make sleeping on your back uncomfortable, so you would turn on your side.

Yet, until now, the best possible solution for this type of snoring is a mouthpiece. Snoring mouthpiece puts your chin and jaw in a slightly tensioned position. That way, you wouldn’t be able to open your mouth widely, which will prevent the tongue from falling back. You can find many anti snoring mouthpiece reviews on the Internet. Even if you are a bit skeptical now, we assure you that you would want to try it right away after reading these reviews.

Mouth snoring

Some persons snore only with their mouth open, while the others snore with their mouth closed. If you belong to the first group, you are a mouth snorer. If you usually breathe through the nose, but can’t get enough of air, you will snore on your mouth. The reason for this is a weak palatal tissue.

Throat snoring

Out of all snoring types, this one is the loudest. The snoring interval is around twenty seconds.
You should be careful about this issue. Try to define in which positions do you snore. If you snore in all positions and you are overweighted it is sure that you suffer from sleep apnea. The treatment is a bit more complicated in this case, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible to cope with it.

As you see, you don’t have to be an expert in order to diagnose which type of a snorer you are. You or someone close to you will help you define the snoring cause. Afterward, all you have to do it to find a solution, which won’t take long.

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