Worldwide Cancer will rise 75% by 2030

Incidence of cancer is expected to increase 75 % by 2030 worldwide. It is increase of more than 90 % in the poorest nations. Rates of certain types of cancer appear to be declining in some developing countries but there reductions are likely to be offset by substantial increases in the types of cancer associated including prostate, breast and colorectal cancer. This report publishe on 31 May in The Lancet Oncology.
For the study, the data analyzed from 184 countries in 2008 in order to examine how current and future cancer trends vary between countries based on their levels of development as measured by their Human Development Index (HDI).
Countries with a low HDI have a high incidence of cancers associated with infection as well as liver cancer, stomach cancer and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Countries with a higher HDI have higher rates of cancer associated with smoking, reproductive risk factors, diet and obesity.
Living standards in countries with a lower HDI may lead to a decrease in some infection-related cancers but these countries may see a sharp increase in the types of cancer currently seen in higher development countries. Cancer incidence rates could increase by 93 percent in low HDI countries by 2030 and by 78 percent in medium HDI countries over the same period according to study leader Dr Freddie Bray of IARC and colleagues.
The result show that the rates of prostate cancer and female breast cancer appear to be rising in most countries with medium, high or very high levels of development and that rates of stomach cancer and cervical cancer that decreasing in countries with medium, high or very levels of HDI.
The researchers also found that 40 percent of worldwide cancer cases in 2008 occurred in countries with very high HDI levels, even though they had just 15 percent of the global population.

Source :- Health USNEWS

It is a bad news. This news must be spread around the worl to educate people about the cancer in our life.

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