5 Healthy Habits to Start in Summer 2020

Summer is upon us and it is time to start thinking about how you are going to make the most out of the longer days and the warmer weather. This season is an ideal time to take inventory of your health and brainstorm ways that you can become a better version of yourself. Here are five healthy habits to start this summer in an effort to boost your overall wellness.

Stick to a Schedule

Start your summer off on the right foot by establishing a routine. The structure of a set routine makes it more likely that you have time each day for exercise, quality sleep, and other healthy habits. It may be challenging at first to adhere to a schedule, but it will soon become a habit to you. In addition, starting a routine during the summer and learning how to stick with it will make it easier to stay with it when the season of relaxation is over and you have more on your plate. Within your schedule, you should also set some goals. Be specific with your goals so that you have a guiding framework. For example, instead of just saying that you want to read more, make it a goal to read at least 30 minutes each day.

Take Up Running

There is no better cardiovascular activity than running. This calorie blaster can be done almost anywhere and all you need is a good pair of running shoes, making it accessible for nearly everyone. There are a variety of online running programs that you can check out when starting down this path. It is important to be careful to not do too much too soon or you risk injury. The summer is flush with an abundance of fun 5Ks and other race distances, making this the perfect goal as you continue on your running journey. Get the whole family involved by picking a race and devising a training plan that will carry everyone across the finish line.

Hit the Road with a Bike

If your body is not up to the high-impact activity of running, you can try a lower impact form of exercise such as biking. Biking is easier on your joints than most other types of exercise. It also offers a great workout while improving your balance and coordination. This sport also allows you to connect with Mother Nature and soak up the beauty of the season. Fat tire electric bicycles are a fun way to enjoy summer, making it the perfect companion for all of your adventures. Be sure to do your research to find the best fat tire electric bike. You want to make sure that you choose an electric bike that is durable, secure, and stylish.

Revamp Your Diet

Summer is the perfect time to revamp your diet. With so many fresh fruits and vegetables available, it is easy to make produce the cornerstone of your summer meal planning. Add in some lean proteins and whole grains to complete your summer diet. The wide availability of fresh herbs during this time of the year also makes it a breeze to add a splash of flavor to your meals without all of the added fat and calories. Sticking to a regular meal schedule will keep you from needlessly snacking. Be sure to incorporate plenty of water into your diet, especially if you are going to be spending a lot of time outside in the heat.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care means something different to everyone. Depending on your needs and personal preferences, self-care may look like a relaxing massage, a pedicure, or simply spending time with a great book out in the sun. Think about what energizes and relaxes you and pick a few of these activities to add to your weekly schedule. These activities will help to relieve stress and bring you joy, improving your overall mental and emotional well-being. All of this will add up to a healthier version of yourself.

Harness the best parts of the summer such as the beautiful weather and the bountiful harvest of seasonal foods to improve your overall health. You will never regret investing in yourself and your well-being.

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