Preventing Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression, often known as ‘Winter Depression’, that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. The symptoms often begin in autumn and last throughout the darker months, but they are more apparent and tend to be more severe during the winter. Some sufferers may feel the effects right up until the weather improves and days become lighter in the spring.

The symptoms can include a persistent low mood, lack of energy, loss of interest in every day tasks, sleeping for longer than normal and finding it difficult to get up in the morning, irritability, a tendency to over-eat or under-eat and social withdrawal. Although the symptoms can vary in severity, they can greatly impact day-to-day activities and have a real effect on the sufferer’s life.

Although approximately 1 in 15 people are affected by SAD, it is a curable issue. There are several methods for treating and preventing SAD, so that no one needs to suffer. Mattress Online have looked into the symptoms, treatment and coping methods to ensure everyone can lead a normal life during winter.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Infographic
Seasonal Affective Disorder Infographic by Mattress Online.

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