Tips to loss weight

There many people afraid for being fat because it affect on our personality. There are some tips ‘how to loss weight’ .
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1. Follow the weight loss diet program properly and consistent. Most of us just think about short term dieting. Never think the result will come for 2-3 week because the healthier body is important for whole life. Focus and strictly discipline on your diet everyday. Write at a small notebook about the calories you take everyday.
2. Eating properly. Chewing your meal, not swallow.
3. Exercise regularly. It is the most important if you want to loss weight and get healthy body. There’s no way you can get healthy body without exercise. Spend your time at least 15 minutes per day to exercise. Walking is easiest exercise especially in your workplace.
4. Drink more fresh water, no sugar needed. Water is important in weigh loss because it can remove the body fats. Drink a glass of water at least 1 liter per day and it will effect on your weight.
5. Get guidance from experience and professional trainer. It will give some advice about the weigh loss in right method.
6. Always get enough sleep because it will help to keep your bodily system working in perfect order.
7. The last tips is surgery. Take this action if there are no others choice because it is high risk.

It is important to have diet because more big you are more risk to get diabetes and others illness.

// This is old post. I’ve recycled it because the broken link in the entry.

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