Do you like to eat cheese? It is not just tasty it also great source of lean protein, phosphorus and other nutritient. Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium. Since protein curbs hunger and keeps you feeling satisfied after meals and snacks, cheese can help you to lose weight. As part of a well-rounded nutrition plan, the protein in cheese can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates eaten at the same meal or snack and therefore help balance your blood-sugar levels and improve mood as well.
The calcium in cheese can help keep your teeth and bones strong and guard against osteoporosis. In women, it can also offer some relief from PMS symptoms. Cheese contains additional nutrients like zinc and biotin. Zinc has several functions in the body: It aids in tissue growth and repair, prevents and treats macular degeneration, protects your skin, and helps keep your nails strong. Both zinc and biotin are also important for hair health.
But not all cheese are healthy. This is 5 healthiest cheese for you to buy :-
1. Feta
Feta cheese is lower in fat and calories than others cheese. One ounce serving has 4 grams of protein and only 74 calories. Domestic feta is often made with cow’s milk while Greek feta made from sheep or goat’s milk.2. String cheese
String cheese made of part skim mozzarella and low in calories and high in proten. It is a one ounce serving has 71 calories and 7 grams of protein. It is prepackaged and good for healthy snacks at work, between errands or at home.3. Parmesan
Parmesan is good because it has strong flavor and low in calories. It is 110 calories in one ounce serving.4. Swiss
Swiss is popular cheese and it include low sodium or low fat that will fits your dietary needs, It is also richer in phosphorus than nearly all soft cheeses.5. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is high in protein, low in fat and enough to add to most any meal. One ounce serving only has 3 grams of protein and 20 calories.
Now, try cheese as your healthy meal today..
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