There are many myths about prostate cancer. It will cause mislead to public. Let’s read some of popular myths about prostate cancer :-
Myth 1: Prostate Cancer is a disease of older people
People think that only men aged 65 years and over will have prostate cancer. This myth is not true because even if they are aged 65 years and over will have a greater probability of prostate cancer, but the disease has also been detected in younger men. However, the percentage of young people who suffer from prostate cancer is low.
However, if a man suspects himself the symptoms of prostate cancer, are recommended to undergo screening to identify problems for those that do not continue.
The problems associated with the prostate gland, such as swelling of the prostate gland can cause prostate cancer in old age, by reason of such a thorough examination is necessary.
Myth 2: All the signs of cancer have
Prostate cancer early symptoms are often not significant. It can only be detected or recognized when it is too late when the cancer has entered the critical stage. If you are aged 50 and over, you are encouraged to undergo prostate specific antigen (PSA) every year.
Myth 3: prostate cancer, have surgery or chemotherapy
Prostatectomy, or surgery to remove the prostate gland is one of the popular treatment to prevent prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body or organ.
However, not all patients require surgery. The decision to make the surgery depending on patient age, cancer stage and patient attitudes towards the surgical side effects.
The doctor will examine each case individually and advise the treatment that should be undertaken by the patient because each person is different. Treatment recommended by your doctor depending on the seriousness of the cancer, how cancer effects on the body and health, and physical condition of the patient.
Myth 4: Treatment of prostate cancer can cause impotence
It is not always true, but it is likely to occur. Nearly half of men who underwent prostate cancer treatment like chemotherapy experience impotence or erection / erectile dysfunction (ED).
However, there are also men who did not experience any direct problems. At times, this erection problem is temporary and the patient’s will recover as usual in a period of one year or more, depending on the individual.
Myth 5: Prostate cancer will affect social life and daily activities
If a person is undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, it does not mean that the individual can not live life as normal. Most prostate cancer patients receiving outpatient treatment at hospitals or clinics.
Research has also progressed, especially in the production of medicines. As a result, people who undergo treatment such as chemotherapy is able to carry out daily activities without interruption. However, certain activities such as nutrition and diet should be given more attention.
Myth 6: The prostate gland enlargement – Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) will lead to the occurrence of prostate cancer
BPH does not always lead to prostate cancer, although the initial symptoms such as frequent urination are symptoms similar to prostate cancer.
Myth 7: Only those who have a family history of prostate cancer will have it
Only 15 percent of prostate cancer patients have a family history of prostate cancer was diagnosed. Studies have shown that prostate cancer may be inherited through the X chromosome, which is by women.
Thus, the sons of mothers who have breast cancer or sisters, has a probability of prostate cancer is higher. However, these studies are not conclusive because a strong family history.
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