Good Cholesterol May Not Lower Heart Risk

I dunno there’s a good cholestrol but the study shown that the good cholesterol may not cut heart attack risk. The report from medical journal, The Lancet found that the link found earlier between good cholesterol and lower heart risk may come from more subtle lifestyle factors tied to higher HDL levels.
It may brings a question to the development of medicines such as Merck’s anacetrapib. Before this, scientist said that HDL works by sweeping the bad form of the fatty substance known as LDL or bad cholesterol out of arteries, reducing clogs.
A dozen experts in cardiology, genetics, or drug development all agreed that this study adds to that trail of woe, but they disagreed about how strongly it shifts the evidence. Paul Ridker, a cardiologist and genetics research at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston, warns that while the technique of looking at effects of specific genes as if they were drugs, known as “Mendelian randomization,” is “clearly useful” when there is an effect, it’s possible that a negative result can happen because “biologic effects can occur that go beyond simple genetic coding.”
Reference :- Bloomberg
I think expert need to find the solution. They need to define whether the good cholesterol is really work before it come in the market.

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