Healthy Food Makes for Healthy Veins

Unbeknownst to most people, your diet can actually have a substantial impact on your vein health. There are certain foods that promote vein health, thereby preventing the development of varicose veins and spider veins. Read on to see what foods could benefit you and your veins.

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Eat More Fiber


To make the link between fiber intake and vein health all it takes is a trip to the bathroom. When passing a stool, often people will strain or hold their breath, creating pressure in the veins surrounding the rectum. This excess strain can damage the veins and may end up causing hemorrhoids and varicosities.


Fiber intake is a great way to manage your toilet time. Increasing its consumption has been known to increase bulk, soften the stool, and ultimately shorten the time it takes to pass through the intestinal tract.


*When ingesting large quantities of fiber is it important to be consuming enough water, as constipation may occur.


Getting more fiber is simple. By replacing white flower, rice, and sugar with their healthier equivalents you can avoid taking supplements and any major dietary changes. Try replacing your white flour with whole grain bread. These breads are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and even proteins that are contained naturally in the grain.  The same can be said for brown rice, which studies have shown can also help lower blood pressure and puts many at a lower risk of diabetes.  Lastly, instead of reaching for a processed sugary beverage or candy, eat a fruit! The natural antioxidants can help reinforce your veins, the added fiber can keep you full longer, and the slower uptake of energy will keep your body and mind going those extra hours.




Another great compound for vein health may come from foods containing the compound rutin. Rutin is in a family of bioactive molecules called flavonoids, which have various effects on the body. Rutin has been shown in mice models to reduce capillary permeability, which improves circulation, reducing the risk for varicose veins.


Natural sources of rutin can be found in buckwheat, apples, cherries, grapes, and peaches.


Avoid toxic foods


While adding beneficial foods to your diet is a great way to improve vein health, avoiding toxic chemicals such as BPA (Bisphenol A) may be just as important. BPA is an estrogen-like substrate that is found in many plastics. They can often be found lining bottles and cans of the foods and drinks we consume. Studies linking estrogen dosage with a higher risk of spider veins have been published, and the mal-effects of BPA are a hot topic right now among scientists.






1 Comment

  1. Eat a diet that is low in fat and refined carbohydrates and includes plenty of fish, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and fresh vegetables and fruits. Make sure that your diet contains plenty of fiber to prevent constipation and keep the bowels clean. Varicose veins are rarely seen in parts of the world where high-fiber unrefined diets are consumed. Also drink ten glasses of purified water per day.

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