I just get email from Brietta from Topcounselingschools.org and she want me to share infographic about ‘ Is America a Nation of Java Junkies ?’. The American Psychiatric Association’s recently released Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) lists caffeine intoxication and caffeine withdrawal as mental disorders. It is not good news for java junkies out there.
I’m not an America but I think the infograhic could relate to other’s country too. I think before we read the article, do you know what is Java Junkies ? Okay, maybe some of you don’t really know about this (including me) so let’s read the information I’ve get from internet.
What Is Java Junkies
From Urbandictionary.com the Java Junkies term come from the TV Show Gilmore Girls means ‘a person who is addicted to coffee’. Now, we know about the definition of java junkies so let’s continue with the infographic.
Source: Top Counseling Schools
How about your country? Do you think your country also facing the same question?