Best Ways to Get Fit with Low-Impact Exercise

Image Source: Envato Elements

Low-impact exercise can be great for your physical health without causing or worsening pain and injuries. As with any other kind of exercise, it can also benefit your mental health. Even if you are not every fit, you can enjoy it.

You may have been putting off your health goals for a while now. Maybe your doctor has instructed you to exercise. Or, you could be looking to mix up your workouts. Whatever your situation is, here are the five best ways to get fit with low-impact exercise.

Take a Brisk Walk

You shouldn’t have to venture too far to enjoy a brisk walk. Take a stroll through your neighborhood or head to nearby walking trails. This activity has many benefits for you, and you can enjoy it alone or with others. Grab your smartphone or something like an iPod. Plug your headphones in and enjoy this activity while you listen to your favorite music. You could even create a walking playlist.

Also, make sure you grab yourself the needed gear. Budget in some comfortable shoes so you can enjoy this activity even more and be sure to wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Don’t forget, too, that you should carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated on your trek.

Go Swimming

There should be a pool nearby that you can use. With a minimal membership fee, you will be able to enjoy this activity. Some facilities offer group swimming, and might even offer you other resources out of the pool. You might even want to add a pool to your property if you have the financial means. However, whether you’re swimming at a public pool or a private one, pay mind the cleanliness of the water. According to Doc Dean Pools, a company that specializes in pool cleaning in Windermere FL, pools can harbor a lot of potentially harmful bacteria and must therefore be maintained with regularity by a professional. 

For older adults and those that have suffered injuries, swimming could work for you, too. You don’t put nearly as much pressure on your body as you do with other activities but still get a great cardio and muscle workout. 

Regardless of your age or your ailments, consider swimming to open yourself up to some amazing benefits. 


Jogging also can be very beneficial for you. You can break a sweat and burn those calories, and your entire body gets in a light-weight workout. If you are just starting out, you should pace yourself. Do not be discouraged if you have to stop and walk for part of your route. You eventually will build up your endurance. Try this activity for 20 to 30 minutes five days out of the week.

On your community’s streets, at parks and trails, or in the gym, you can enjoy a jog. Make sure you have the right footwear and clothing, too. If you have an outdoor dog, they could enjoy this with you and provide you with even more motivation to get out and run. Kids and your other family members can join in on the fun and consider asking your friends to also jog with you.

Hop on a Bicycle

You might not have been on a bicycle since you were a kid, but don’t let that discourage you. This activity will benefit you, and you shouldn’t have a hard time finding options for it. Of course, you can ride on safe streets in your town. But you also can head to the gym.

At your local fitness center, they have stationary bikes you can use. So even if it is raining, you can get this workout completed. You might want to check out spin classes, too.


Have you ever attended a yoga class before? If you have, then you know firsthand how great of a low-impact workout you can get for your body and your mind. There should be a yoga studio nearby and fitness centers typically offer it with their available classes.

But you don’t have to participate in organized yoga instruction to enjoy this activity. You can find tutorials online to help you practice yoga from the comfort of your own home. With a yoga mat and genuine interest, you can learn how to benefit from this low-impact exercise.

Why delay your fitness goals any longer? You obviously have five great options just presented above. Commit to something today to get in shape and look forward to staying fit for many years to come.  

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