Sensitive teeth are one of common dental problems faced by people of all age groups. It’s often the result of worn-out enamel or exposed tooth roots. So, such teeth cause pain and discomfort when exposed to hot or cold foods or drinks. With sensitive teeth, pain may also happen with brushing, eating or drinking, making the problem troublesome in all aspects.
However, not all tooth discomfort may be result of sensitive teeth and you must understand that. Even a cavity, or a fractured tooth or some gum disease can make your tooth feel uncomfortable at times. If you ever feel that your teeth have become sensitive, you should then approach the dentist for a right treatment.
Sensitive teeth are treatable but after the treatment, you are supposed to take some preventive steps to not let the problem return again. You should take care of the following –
- Give greater focus to oral care on a daily basis
- Brush twice a day, once in the morning and then at night
- Use only a soft-bristled toothbrush
- Use a fluoride toothpaste
- Floss your teeth daily, right after brushing
- Don’t use too much force while brushing the teeth
- Consult a dentist if you grind your teeth
- Avoid eating or drinking acidic foods or beverages
- Use a straw when drinking acidic beverages or tea or coffee etc.
- Drink water to neutralize acid effects after eating
In general, there are 5 treatments available for sensitive teeth –
- Desensitizing toothpaste
Having a right toothpaste is essential when your teeth are sensitive. You just can’t use any product else there will be only sugary paste to contend with. Rather, you can consult the dentist and have a desensitizing toothpaste and apply it regularly around the teeth. Such a paste will be effective in alleviating pain with sensitive teeth. It’s always good to ask the dentist about the right toothpaste and minimize dental risks along the way.
- Fluoride
When you have sensitive teeth, using a fluoride-containing toothpaste is not enough. You will also need to get applied this mineral to the sensitive areas of the teeth. By doing so, you can provide strength and vigor to the tooth enamel and minimize pain drastically. If need be, you can also ask the dentist to prescribe the same treatment for home to bring relief quickly.
- Desensitizing or bonding
Exposed root surfaces are the reason behind your sensitive teeth. Unless they are treated, you can’t have relief. Dentists may apply bonding resin to such surfaces to desensitize the area. The bonding procedure may also require anesthesia, so it makes sense to visit only a top dentist for treatment. In no way you should let the problem of sensitive teeth fester else it might weaken your tooth structure in future.
- Surgical gum graft
Teeth sensitivity may also be the result of gum tissue loss to the tooth root. This leads to exposed roots and your teeth become sensitive in nature. Surgical gum graft treatment is helpful in these cases where gum tissue from one area in mouth is grafted to attach to the concerned site. This is how exposed roots get the due protection and your level of teeth sensitivity comes down drastically.
- Root canal
Root canal is easily the last treatment option tried by dentists to treat sensitive teeth. Naturally, it will be used when the pain is severe and when other options have yielded no results. The treatment is perfect for sensitive or infected tooth and your pain will be removed easily. You can consult a top dentist upper east side NYC and know more about root canal.
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