When it comes to the health of your child, you certainly want to be on your A-game. One of the best ways to help protect the immune system of your children is to get out in front of sickness. With the preponderance of science-based evidence, there are three major ways to help boost their immune system: nutrition, fitness, and a healthy environment. Here’s what you can do to help.

With an increase in food allergies and sensitivities, a balanced and nutritious diet can seem impossibly out of reach. However, simply teaching your kids how to care for their bodies through eating fruits, veggies, and protein goes a long way towards safeguarding their future health. If you’re at your wit’s end trying to get your kids not to gag at the sight of tomatoes or broccoli, try a science experiment with container gardening to teach them how to grow their own food. Their excitement at the role they play in their plant’s growth might help motivate them to try something new for once. Talking with your doctor about kids gummy vitamins can also help to supplement healthy eating by enriching your child’s diet with extra vitamins and minerals that will help build their bodies strong to better protect itself from infection and illness.
Another way you can help your child’s immune system is by making sure they get enough exercise. By giving their bodies time to grow in strength and dexterity, you’re actually investing resources into their body’s ability to process nutrients and function correctly. You can sign them up for a local sports team, or even buy fun games to get them up and moving on the Wii or XBox Kinect. Of course, the number one thing you can do to encourage a lifetime of physical fitness in your child is by exercising with them. Go on a walk, head to the park, or play games with them to show that you prioritize moving your body, too.
Healthy Environment
Another element of your child’s healthy immune system is the environment they grow up in. By giving your child a clean, safe home you contribute to decreased risks of threats to their health. Do what you can to protect your child’s mental health, too, by helping them learn how to regulate their own emotions in a safe environment.
By monitoring these three areas of your child’s health you won’t be able to prevent all infections or illnesses, but you will be boosting their immune system to bounce back better when they do get sick. They will also reap the benefits years later when they know how to do so on their own as adults.
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