Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine (colon) or the end of the large intestine (rectum) that functions to digest food and waste. It was the third highest cancer affects the world’s population also causes more than half a million people died.
Most colon cancer starts with the presence of polyps (growths) in the colon or rectum. Polyps grow from as small as a pin head up to the size of golf balls.
A few polyps are harmless, while others tend to be more severe and dangerous. Polyps takes six to eight years to become cancerous. Polyps can be removed before becoming cancerous.
Anyone can get colon cancer, regardless of gender. The disease is common among those aged 50 and over, and the risk increased with increasing age. If it is diagnosed early, prevention is possible, thus improving patient increase the chance of cure or prolong their life.
Colon cancer is divided into four stages. The first stage, the tumor that begins in the colon or rectum, the second stage, it spreads through the wall of the intestine and rectum, the third stage, lymph nodes and spreads approaching the fourth stage, the cancer continued to spread to other parts of the body such as liver and lungs.
Stages of colon cancer progression and the percentage of five-year survival chance
A) the tumor is only in the intestinal wall – 95 to 100 percent
B) tumor to penetrate the intestinal wall – 65 to 75 percent
C) causes swelling of the lymphatic spread – 30 to 40 percent
D) spread to other areas – less than five percent
The high risk group:
1) You or a family member had colorectal polyps or colorectal cancer
2) pain during defecation, such as inflammation of the colon (which causes diarrhea, sometimes with bloody mucus, and abdominal pain at the bottom) or Crohn’s disease (causing partial bowel obstruction and pain, and diarrhea) in a few years
3) Having a genetic syndromes such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Hereditary nonpolyposis cancer colorektal (HNCC)
Symptoms of Colon Cancer
1) Rectal bleeding
2) Diarrhea or constipation or alternating
3) Stools black or bloody stools
4) Pain in abdomen
5) Weight loss
6) Anemia (anemia)
Cause of Colon Cancer
1) High-fat foods and low in fiber
l is rampant in the West
l is less common in the Far East
l practice is increasing in developing countries
2) Smoking and consuming alcohol
3) Obesity
l risk for obese women get colon cancer 50 percent higher than women of normal weight
l risk for obese men is 80 percent
4) Lack of physical activity
Three out of every 100 people have the disease due to hereditary factors. About 50 percent may survive five years after having colon cancer. Patients who have symptoms of this disease have to do the examination or barium enema as kolonoscopi.
Diagnosis of colon cancer
Kolonoscopi – therapeutic procedures such as removing polyps in the colon or rectum
- Examination of how best
- Sensitive and accurate test
- Tissue diagnosis and therapeutic options
- Expensive
It is recommended to do a colonoscopy if:
- Recurrent rectal bleeding
- Changes in routine bowel
- Weight loss or anemia
- More than 40 years old
- Have family members suffering from colon cancer
Barium enema – colon included material contains barium (a tube inserted through the anus). X-ray and barium enema done after
- Similar diagnostic accuracy
- Safe
- Cheap
- May require a second inspection
Inspection will find polyps that grow but can be removed before becoming cancerous. Initial checks can save lives.
Living With Colon Cancer: Beating the Odds
Colon cancer treatment
- Surgery for localized cancer tumors
- Radiation – use of radiation after surgery. Chemotherapy is used to reduce the risk of recurrence.
- Radio method of chemotherapy for certain cases.
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