Getting Back on Your Feet: 5 Home Remedies for Opiate Withdrawal

Opiate withdrawal is a difficult thing to manage. Opiates are designed to prevent the body from both understanding and feeling pain.

Once you stop taking opioids, your body will have to readjust to its natural alignment, and to its natural way of managing pain and sensations. However, the unfortunate fact is that for the body to return to its natural rhythm once more, you will experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms.

And if you are a person who has experienced or is experiencing opiate withdrawals, then you know that physical pain is no the only withdrawal symptoms, there are a variety of emotional responses that your body and mind will be subject to as well. If you need extra help in dealing with addiction, visit this site for more info.

Take a look at this list of home remedies that can help you to ease through the transition from opiates.

  1.    Diet

Ensure that your diet consists of foods providing you with nutrients. Eliminate processed and refined foods. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time, or at the very least, ensure that your kitchen is filled with nutrient-dense foods and snacks. Ensure that you stay hydrated.

You may experience periods of nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is essential that you maintain a high level of hydration.

To manage nausea, you can try ginger tea (take small sips at a time).

  1.    Cannabis

Yes, this may be a topic that could not be well tolerated for many people, but there is researching suggesting that opiate addiction and withdrawal can be treated with cannabis. The plant contains endocannabinoids, such as CBD, with are excellent at fighting pain and restoring balance to your body’s natural systems. CBD oil is an attractive option for those looking to use cannabis without getting high. CBD is a non-addictive substance that could help to prevent you from reaching for another opioid.

  1.    Spices and Herbs

Try turmeric: this spice contains certain phytochemicals that help with fighting inflammation and pain.

Try Chamomile: This flower can offer relaxation for your nervous system.

Remember, if you are wanting to add plant remedies to your diet, always first have a chat with your doctor as some plant supplements (including CBD) can impede the reaction to existing medications.

  1.    Movement

There will be no two people that have the same withdrawals for opiates. For some, standing alone may be a mammoth task. Find whatever movement you can manage and embrace it. Why? Because movement assists in circulating the blood, helping the organs and tissues to receive life-renewing oxygen. Movement can help to stimulate mood-enhancing hormones and endocannabinoids, which will aid in your overall recovery.

  1.    Magnesium

Some studies suggest that a whopping 80% of Americans have not enough Magnesium. This mineral plays an important role:

–    300 different chemical reactions

–    Helps for muscle cramps (a symptom of opiate withdrawal)

–    Can help to reduce aches and pains (another symptom for opiate withdrawal)

Take a small amount of magnesium before bed, and develop this microdose into a consistent routine.

There are many other ways to assist in your recovery from addiction, people have reported that essential oils for addiction, meditation and breathing techniques can all be helping hands on the road to recovery.



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