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If your child has trouble sleeping through the night, there are things that you can do as a parent to help your son or daughter rest easier. Improving your child’s sleep can help them focus better and perform stronger in school and other areas of life. Here are some of the best ways to help your child sleep through the night.
Avoid Scary or Disturbing Content Before Bedtime
Watching a scary movie, reading a frightening book, or watching disturbing news content before bedtime can put your child’s mind into a state of distress, which will make sleeping soundly much more difficult. In the few hours leading up to bedtime, you’ll want to make sure that your child is consuming content that’s kid-friendly and parent-approved. Encouraging your child to watch a fun cartoon movie or read an age-appropriate fantasy-themed book can be a great way to relax their mind so that sleeping through the night will be easier.
Try a Different Bed
The problems that are related to your child’s sleep could be coming from the type of bed that your son or daughter uses. A bed that is too hard or soft or doesn’t give ample support can cause the body to feel tense throughout the night, which will interfere with sleep. Any of the dm9000s or other types of adjustable bed base frames that are for sale can offer your child better support and be adjusted to their liking. A memory foam mattress can also give your child’s body extra cushioning for greater comfort.
Schedule a Bath Before Bed
Having your child take a bath just before bedtime can be an excellent way to help them relax. Sitting in a tub filled with warm water can help your child ease into a more tranquil state of mind. The feeling of relaxation can be further enhanced with a bubble bath. After your child gets out of the tub, he or she will likely feel tired naturally and will be likelier to want to go to bed and sleep through the night.
Set a Sleep Routine
Going to bed and waking up at different times regularly can through off your child’s internal sleep clock and make sleeping more difficult. You should set a specific bed and wake-up time that your child should follow consistently to create healthy sleep patterns. Whether your child is naturally more of an early bird or night owl should also be considered when devising a sleep schedule.
Check the Bedroom Temperature
The temperature inside your child’s bedroom may be too high or low for comfortable sleeping. This can be especially true if your child’s room gets too hot at night. Ideally, the bedroom temperature should be kept at 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Using too much bedding or having your child sleep in nightwear that isn’t made from breathable material can also make them too hot to sleep comfortably.
Investigate Any Possible Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders can affect adults and children alike, and your child might have a disorder that causes sleep disruptions. Obstructive sleep apnea, delayed phase sleep disorder, and behavioral insomnia of childhood are among the leading sleep disorders that affect children. Your child may also suffer from night terrors that cause frequent nightmares that could make bedtime a terrifying experience for your son or daughter. Sleep studies and counseling are among the best methods that are often used to diagnose sleep disorders in children, and treatment can often yield encouraging results.
Avoid Certain Foods and Beverages
In the last few hours leading up to bedtime, your child should avoid consuming certain foods and beverages that often interfere with sleep. Spicy foods or other foods that could upset the stomach should be avoided. Pizza, burgers, and candy are other foods that are known to cause sleep disruptions. Caffeinated or sugary beverages can make your child feel too energized to get to sleep. Some of the best foods to eat before bedtime include turkey, bananas, and cereal.
Helping your child sleep better at night will be one of the best things that you can do as a parent. Identifying the causes of your child’s sleep problems and making the right changes to promote healthier sleeping can benefit your son or daughter in many ways.
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