In a public place with multiple people passing through every day, germs can very easily spread, which increases the risk of diseases and illnesses passing from one person to another. As this infographic from Cleaning Services Group highlights, workplaces could be rife with opportunities for cross contamination.
Research from European food safety watchdog Safefood revealed that 96% of kitchen surfaces are not washed properly after food is prepared on them, while 7 out of 10 people will use a knife for cutting vegetables just after using it on raw meat without adequately washing it in between. When people are this negligent in cafeterias and kitchens, is it any wonder that contagious illnesses spread so rapidly in working environments?
It isn’t just in kitchens or canteens where the threat of cross contamination is present, either. Office equipment such as computers, keyboards and printers will have numerous hands touching it every day, while a generally unsanitary workplace (i.e. clogged vents, overflowing garbage) could attract vermin, which would then carry disease around the workplace at will.
A combination of educating personnel as to safe anti-contamination practices, putting recommended measures into practice and keeping potential sources of contamination separated such as investing in Garbage Disposal Bins, or out of the workplace altogether should help to minimize the risk of cross contamination. In turn, employee absenteeism will be less frequent and the workplace will generally be a more attractive one for people to come into. That way, everybody wins.
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