5 changes to your diet that may solve your stomach problems

Modern fast lifestyle pace leaves remarkable trace on our bodies. Due to a great amount of stress and bad eating habits, we often neglect warning signs that body indicates. Unfortunately, it is only when we face severe and frequent abdominal pain that we react wanting to treat the issue.



What is the root to all our stomach problems?

You are what you eat – eating unhealthy food has brought you to the current state of affairs. Consuming processed food and sugar, along with insufficient amount of fruit, vegetables and fibre leads to digestive problems. In order to fight the current problem, you need to address its roots.

1.Have a healthy balanced diet

Incorporate healthy food into your daily diet and make a balance among the food you consume. It is vital that you eat nutritious food consisting of fruit, vegetables and proteins in the right proportion. You may want to consult a nutritionist who can make a detailed eating plan to suit your needs so as to avoid abdominal pain, low energy levels and bloating.

2. Avoid gas-forming foods

Upset stomach may occur due to eating gas-forming foods you should avoid consuming in large amounts.  Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, beans and whole grains can cause cramps, bloating and pain. However healthy those may be, overconsumption may lead to the unpleasant problems regarding gas-forming that may affect your mood and social activities, as you feel unpleasant. Before having another serving of broccoli, think about your gut health and limit it.


3. Stop emotional eating

Seeing food as a source of comfort in stressful situations is often manifested by consuming sweets or fast food to avoid your emotional problems. Instead of grabbing those sugary snacks or pizza, ask yourself whether you are truly physically hungry or you just want a quick comfort your guilty pleasure food offers. Deal with the emotional issue rather than treat your stomach problems later.

4. Limit the amount of coffee

Overindulging in coffee may lead to stomach cramps because of its laxative effects and contraction it causes. Instead of having one too many, limit your daily intake of coffee. 400 milligrams of coffee per day or 4 cups is the amount you do not want to exceed unless you want to experience cramps.

6. Drink more water

If you opt for sodas, juices and sports drinks and neglect water, you may want to reconsider the choice of satisfying thirst. Those drinks you are fond of increase calorie intake which may lead to abdominal problems. Next time you crave for sodas, try switching to a glass of water to let your metabolism run smoothly.

In order to successfully fight against cramps, gas and abdominal swelling you need to embark on a dietary plan that would gradually become a habit. Do not seek short-term fixes by sticking to a healthy diet only temporarily until you feel less stomach issues, incorporate it into your lifestyle completely. Once you experience the more energy you obtain from eating healthy food and avoiding malnutrition you would never want to go back to the ones who cause you pain. If you want to cure abdominal problems, you should go combine all the dietary changes so as to reach the optimal effect.

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