5 Types of Medical Gases and Their Application in Hospitals

Medical gases are considered essential in the life-saving processes in hospitals. We all do know about oxygen and its uses in the hospital but you may not be aware that there are several other medical gases as well.

Medical facilities rely on these gases for various purposes including as anaesthetics during surgeries. At the end of this article, you should know about five medical gases and their applications in hospitals.

  1. Medical Air

Medical air is a clean compressed air supplied by specialized air compressors in health care facilities. Pressurized to around 380 kPa, or 55 psi, medical air is non-contaminated, odorless, and dry. The gas is mostly used in ICU’s to ensure patients breathe comfortably. Medical aid shouldn’t be used as a replacement for oxygen.

  1. Oxygen

Oxygen is one of the commonly used medical gases in hospitals. It is a permanent feature in every sort of medical facility, no matter how small it is. This life-saving gas is applied when a patient is suffering from hypoxemia and hypoxia. You can use it in the inhalation process, resuscitation, and as life support. An oxygen system consists of liquid oxygen, which undergoes an evaporation process and turns into concentrated oxygen supply. Oxygen can be used in conditions like carbon monoxide poisoning, haemorrhage, shock, and trauma among others.

  1. Carbon Dioxide

The carbon dioxide used in minimal invasive surgeries like endoscopy, thoracic surgeries, and laparoscopy. It is also used in laser treatments and as a respiratory stimulant during and after an anaesthetic process. When combined with oxygen, it can treat some respiratory disorders.


  1. Nitrogen

Nitrogen has several medical uses in hospitals. It is used in powering surgical equipment during some procedures. With its cryogen properties, nitrogen is used in freeze and store biological specimen like cells, tissue, and blood among others. We also use it in treating some skin diseases, and cryosurgery. Nitrogen is mostly stored in cylinders and piped at the source with an alarm system.

  1. Nitrogen Oxide

Dentists have been using nitrogen oxide as an analgesic since 1812. Also known as the laughing gas, it has since found its place in many surgical procedures. The medical gas is delivered to hospitals in tanks. There, is it supplied through a gas system with pressure around 345 kPa, or 50 kDa.


Installing and Maintaining Medical Gases in Your Hospital

Having medical gas systems installed in your hospital or medical facility is essential in the life-saving process. You need the right equipment, skilled personnel, and better service delivery. You can read more at mtausa.com.

But what happens after getting it done? Monitoring and maintenance become even more critical. You need to get specialists who will monitor the medical gas system on a timely basis to ensure proper flow of gas, identify, and resolve leakages and ensure there is enough storage. Adhering to appropriate maintenance process saves lives, cost, and promotes quality service delivery.



By now, you know the different types of medical gases, its various uses, and the need to ensure proper maintenance of your system. In order to ensure quality service delivery, providing proper maintenance should be considered a priority.



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