8 steps to better health after 40s

As English phrase ‘ Life Begin After 40‘ that means the time could be better as it is middle age for most of us. Or maybe it is time to face end of our life.
To get better life, just look at this steps and maybe it could become our blueprint.

1. Extra hours of sleep
– This age, we need more sleep. The recommended is seven to nine hours of sleep a night and most of us can’t do that. Every hour of that we lost sleep a night increases our sleep debt. Studies found that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to higher blood pressure, higher levels of stress hormones, a compromised immune system and signs of insulin resistance.
You can reversed it by adding three to four extra hours of sleep on the weekend and an extra hour or two a night the following week until you have repaid the sleep debt.

2. Stretches your hips, five days a week
– Tight hips could affect your 40 year old spine. Any restriction during activity can increase pressure on the low back and cause pain. You need to stretch hip flexor, quadriceps, glute, IT band, adductor and dynamic hamstring to promote back health.

3. Protein-rich meals and snacks a day
– If you still don’t eat enough high-quality protein, and not exercise you will lose 3-5 percent of your muscle mass a decade. Being older, you need to take safe recommended protein intake at least 1-1.25 grams of high-quality protein per kilogram of body weight.Try to eat high-quality protein at each meal, including fish, chicken and other lean meats, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and quinoa.

4. Sweats a week

– Train your cardiovascular system to stave off negative health issue. You need at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.

5. Strength-training workouts a week

The rate at which dietary protein can be absorbed and used to build muscle decreases with age. Research has shown that progressive workouts can significantly increase protein synthesis rates in as little as two weeks. Doing three strength-training workouts a week can help increase muscle gains, and gives the body 48 hours between workouts for optimal rest and recovery.

6. Things you are grateful for each week

As the number of birthdays goes up, so does the number of responsibilities, which can lead to considerable stress and dissatisfaction. A 10-week study on gratitude found that those who wrote a few sentences a week about what they were grateful for were more optimistic and felt better about their lives than their neutral or negative-minded peers. As a bonus, they worked out more and had fewer doctor visits than those who focused on negative sources of aggravation.

7. Lower-back-focused workout a week


Medical evidence shows that core-endurance exercises can help prevent low-back pain. Studies have found that for untrained people, the magic number for strength and endurance gains in the low back is one such workout a week, with no added benefit to more sessions. As you adapt, you can increase your frequency.

8. Injuries

With age, healing from injury takes more time. Be smarter with your body to avoid unnecessary risks that will limit your quality of life. Avoid the same activities and intensity levels two days in a row to reduce the chance of strain. If you don’t want to be stuck lying on a couch or under an ice pack, train smart. Train for life.

Source :- Globe and Mail

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