Does Food Cleanliness Matter? [Survey]

Out of 1,000 Americans surveyed in this food cleanliness study, only a third will throw food away after they find something gross in it. With over 200 foodborne illnesses, that may seem like a low number to some. However, the fly that lands in your food may not be as harmful to you as the food you eat at a potluck.

The ‘danger zone’ is something the USDA describes as food that’s been sitting at room temperature for two or more hours. In many events, when you attend a party, the finger food at the buffet has likely been sitting out longer.

While a house fly carries over 200 pathogens, the FDA actually allows food manufacturers to sell a small number of bugs in their food products per round of production. So how likely are you to get sick after a bug lands in your food? Not likely.

Take a look at this infographic created by Kitchen Cabinet Kings for additional insights into safe food practices, as well as how many people will actually get ‘bugged out’ when a bug lands in their family dinner enjoyed in the kitchen.

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How Seriously Do People Take Food Cleanliness?

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