Gender Selection : Embryo Biopsy Here!

There is rapidly increasing demand for gender selective service which allow you to choose the gender before you become pregnant and it has become one of the major focuses in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Gender selective method involve embryo biopsy – removal of one embryo cell and its genetic content are studied to determine whether the embryo contain female (XX) or male (XY) genes.

There is number of steps in embryo biopsy.

1) First step started by selecting 7-cells embryo from culture after three days of fertilization.
2) After selection process, small amount of acid solution is poured around germ layer of embryo to facilitate access to blastomere.
3) A pipette used to pull out one cell of blastomere from embryo.
4) Then, identification of all genetic information in the blastomere are done to determine its gender and health status.

Embryo transfer is an important process in IVF treatment. The process takes place by transferring in vitro fertilization of embryo into patient’s uterus so that it will grow into fetus form. In a normal procedure, embryo will be chosen after three to five days of fertilization. Total amount of embryo are selected depends on several factors such as mother’s age, quality of embryo, and their treatment record.
In most cases, embryo transfer is done by using catheter – an instrument like a tube which contain selected embryos. Their gender are selected first, then the catheter will intruded into mother’s uterus and the embryo are pushed out for implantation. After the transfer process done, the catheter will be checked to make sure that no embryos left in the tube.
Patient can go back home after the treatment process if there is no problem occur. They have to come back for pregnancy screening after 12 to 14 days.
If the patient choose to transfer more than one embryo, she can get multiple pregnancy. However, there is risks to have this type of pregnancy includes lose one or more fetuses and premature birth, as well as financial problem and emotional disturbance.
Generally, gender selection procedure is done for infertility couple. Thirty-six couples who desired preimplantation sex selection were treated at Malpani Infertility Clinic, Mumbai, India, between April 1999 and April 2001. The preference for sons in India is based on long standing cultural beliefs, and not surprisingly, these couples (all of whom were of Indian origin) desired a baby boy. Some couples underwent more than one treatment cycle and a total of 42 sex selection cycles was started. All couples already had at least one daughter. Many couples had previously used fetal sex determination followed by selective female feticide, even though this has been illegal in India since 1996.
However, in Islamic view, it is illicit to select gender because the fate comes from God.

Learn more about Embryo Transfer

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