How to Remove Bad Breath: 5 Brilliant Tricks No One Told You

Bad breath or halitosis is a medical issue anyone can face. It’s characterized by breathing out of foul odor. In this condition, the breath stinks and may cause embarrassment. Well, many people may not understand what causes bad breath but they should know that poor oral hygiene is one of the major reason behind that. Apart from that, dental cavity or a coated tongue can also make your breath stink. A bad breath needn’t always be a dental issue as in some cases, it can also happen due to diabetes, gastrointestinal issues etc.

Bad breath causes may include –

  • Poor oral hygiene with no regularity with brushing, flossing or tongue cleaning

  • Eating foods with strong flavor and odor such as garlic, onion or spice

  • Smoking as it leads to deposit of plaque and bacteria able to cause foul breath

  • Dry mouth due to excess consumption of tea or coffee preventing creation of enough saliva

  • Following a low-carb diet or fasting may lead to bad smell in your mouth

  • Other diseases like kidney, liver problems can also cause bad breath

Tips to remove bad breath –

Follow oral care religiously   

Bad breath can’t be removed unless you start giving superior focus to your oral care routine. Which means, you need to brush, floss and clean tongue daily, use mouthwash, trust fluoride-based paste and brush twice a day. More so, you need to visit the dentist every 6 months to not let dental problems go away.

Drink as much water as you could

Staying hydrated is essential to maintain your dental health. It does help by removing food particles stuck between your teeth. And when you’re hydrated, it helps keep the toxins out of the system. So, your focus should be on drinking as much water as you could to stop the problem of bad breath trouble you.

Consume more yogurt regularly

Yogurt is very helpful to fighting bad breath problem. It can get rid of halitosis causing compound on the tongue. You should start eating plain yogurt on regular basis and this is how bad breath problem can be tackled. You should however not use sugar much as it often leads to growth of harmful bacteria.

Eat items helpful in producing saliva

To fight off bad breath, you should look to eat food items helpful in producing saliva. This will help wash away the bacteria and minimize the danger of bad breath. Take for example, you can consume more of fennel seeds or get fennel tea and benefit from its anti-bacterial property.

Always look for permanent option  

It might be a mistake to go for bad breath treatment option which is not of permanent nature. You may eat something flavored and hope to get rid of the stink but its effects will not last beyond a point. So, you should only trust natural items so that the benefits linger on for longer and your bad breath goes away forever.

Cloves and parsley

You can chew cloves raw or consume it as clove tea and get desired results. Its anti-bacterial properties will definitely help you fight off risks of bad breath. Similarly, you can chew on parsley herbs and can also drink it for help in digestion. Both these will help a lot in getting your breath lose it odor or stink.

Clearly, bad breath is not something you avoid as it might gradually lead to tooth decay. Even if affordable dental implants are a reality today, this does not mean you avoid oral care in any way. You need to brush, floss and clean tongue regularly for maintain dental health.

Author Bio:

Akshay Sharma is a writer who loves sharing views on health and food topics. He is constantly in search of new articles and posts on topics related to health and its branches. Currently, he works with Dentalimplanttime which is the best clinic of affordable dental implants NYC area.

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