Misinterpretation of Oils and Fats Consumption

Fish Oil Pills

Misinterpretation of Oils and Fats Consumption


Fats and oils are bad. They will increase cholestrol content in your blood and lead you to death except cholestrol-free oils and foods. However, people have misunderstood from the real facts. In this entry, I’ll share some misinterpretation of oils and fats consumption  that being wrongly talked.
Liver Function

Liver function is to produce bile juice whereby it emulsify fats and oils in order to help in their digestion for further utilisation and gall bladder to store it until it is consumed.

The cattle, such as cow and goat have a digestive enzyme called cellulase which can digest the cellulose cell wall. This is the reason why we do not eat grasses and sedges but cows and goats do.

| What is Liver Transplant |

The cell of all plants including vegetables and fruits are made by cellulose material. This constitutes a fibrous form of carbohydrate. Our body don’t have any capacity to digest this substance thus, they are removed along with feaces accompanied with other undigestived faecal matter.

Oils and fats function

The fact that our body regularly secretes bile juice shows that we should consume fats and oils as part of our daily diet. Cholestrol present in the oil and fats are required for the well-being of the human body. If we against to consume cholestrol, the liver produces it by converting some other food substance, in order to maintain proper functioning of our body.

What happen if we do not take fats and oils in our daily life?

The bile juice in gall bladder dries up to become a stone, make us pain and other problem rises which could be necessary for the removal of gall bladder through surgery. In other word, if you do not consume oils and fats, you will develop gallstones!

Gall stone can be successfully dissolved by drinking a little of ginger oil for a month or so. This has to be gradually increased from a drop of it to about a tablespoon a day. Taking it in the morning on empty stomach may works well.


That’s some misinterpretation of oils and fats consumption. It happen because most of us don’t have enough knowledge about fats and oils. Almost everyday if we heard about fats and oils it bring negative perspective. Fats and oils always being related to unhealthy person, obesity and other’s disease. While some of facts is true but there’s also positive aspect about fats and oils. Hopefully after you read this article your mind will be open and you can find others misinterpretation of oils and fats consumption. Maybe you can share it by become a guest blogger in future.



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