Nutritional Tips for Aging

As our age will add our bodies also become weakend. We need more nutrition on this age. Let’s read this nutrional tips for aging
1) Drink Eight glasses of water per day. This can include tea, coffee, and juices.
2) Increase your calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis:
– People ages 51+ years should consume 1200mg calcium per day
– Calcium can be found in a wide variety of foods including milk, yogurt, tofu, broccoli, and legumes.
– You also need vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. You can get your requirement of vitamin D by 10 –15 minutes of sunshine twice a week or eating foods fortified with vitamin D such as milk and cereals.
Talk to your doctor about calcium and vitamin D supplements if you think you will have a hard time getting these nutrients through food.

3) To help prevent poor memory and impaired balance:
– Increase your vitamin B 12 intake from foods
– For example: skinless chicken breast, white turkey meat, fish, cheese, and cereals fortified vitamin B12
4) To help increase your appetite
– Add herbs and spices to increase the taste of food to make it more palatable. For example, try adding garlic or onion powder to meat before cooking. Lemon pepper, oregano, rosemary and thyme are other herbs that can be added to your favorite dishes.
5) Dental Care
– Brush and floss teeth at least two times per day or after meals
– Have your teeth cleaned twice a year
– If you have dentures, make sure to clean them regularly and have them checked by your dentist
6) Maintain Physical Activity
– Engaging in Physical activity several times a week can reduce your risk for certain medical conditions including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis and muscle degeneration
For example: Mall walking, gardening, water aerobics, “water-bottle” lifting, chair yoga, etc. are good ways to increase your phyiscal activity level.
Check out your local community or senior center for additional activities.
Remember, check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

– Rachel Ngai
CSUS Student Intern
Novermber 2003

That’s some tips for us. Just do it before you become old and can’t do anything.

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