10 Things You Didn’t Know About Breast Augmentation

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There are many reasons to consider breast augmentation, but, if you are making this choice for yourself, learning more about this procedure can be helpful. There are many questions that patients feel embarrassed to ask, or simply forget to ask, before having the breast augmentation done. The following information can help you learn more about what you can expect during and after the procedure.

1. Why do Women Undergo Breast Augmentation?

While being unhappy with your natural breast size is one reason, women also undergo the procedure to restore lost breast mass or to restore asymmetry. Breast size and shape can diminish with age, so this procedure is helpful in restoring volume and balance. Breast augmentation also helps restore the breasts for some women who have had breast cancer.

2. What Choices are Available?

There are many different choices when it comes to choosing the implants you want. While the shell, or outer casing of the implant, is made from silicone, you can choose from a silicone gel filling or a water filling. Additionally, you can choose between the round implant, which is typically less costly, or the teardrop-shaped implant, which produces a more natural appearance.

As technology continues to change, implants that offer more natural looks and sensations are available. Whether you want to find ideal breast implants in Toronto or best breast augmentation in Seattle, you will need the highest quality in breast augmentation, giving recipients a natural form that doesn’t leave them feeling weighed down by the implants.

3. Are There Age Restrictions?

Yes. You must be at least 18 years of age to receive saline breast implants. However, the FDA restricts silicone implants to patients who are 22 or older. Additionally, you should not be pregnant or breastfeeding, obese, or a heavy smoker.

4. How Long Does the Procedure Take?

In most cases, the procedure takes two hours at most, although this doesn’t include post-op recovery time. If you and your doctor opt for conscious sedation, you can leave shortly after the procedure as long as you have someone to drive you home.

However, general anesthesia is sometimes necessary and, in that case, you will have to remain under observation until the anesthesia wears off.

5. What Risks are Involved in a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

As with any type of surgery, there’s a minimal risk of infection. You may also experience breast tenderness or soreness near the incision site. In rare cases, a leaking implant or excessive scar tissue may require additional procedures.

6. How is the Surgery Done?

Once you have been sedated, the surgeon will make a small incision in the underside of the breast. The incision will be just big enough to allow the surgeon to slip the breast implant into the breast. Once the implant is in place, the incision will be stitched and dressed to reduce the chances of infection.

7. How Should You Prepare for Surgery?

While your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions, you should be prepared to avoid eating, drinking (except water), and smoking for 24 hours prior to your breast augmentation procedure. Additionally, be sure you’ll have a ride home after the procedure. You may not be able to leave if you’re relying on a taxi service to take you home.

8. How Long Will it Take to Fully Recover?

Recovery times vary greatly from patient to patient because everyone heals at a different rate. On average, it takes four to six weeks to fully recover from the surgery. If you’re still feeling discomfort after this point, you should discuss your recovery with your surgeon.

9. What Can You Realistically Expect?

You should discuss your expectations with your surgeon to ensure you won’t feel misled later. In general, you can expect an increase in breast fullness and volume. The size and shape of the breast will be improved as well, providing a better breast to hip ratio.

10. How Long Do Implants Last?

In general, implants last up to 10 years, although some may last a little longer. Some women choose to undergo additional augmentation procedures sooner in order to keep the breasts aligned as they age.

While this overview may have answered some of your questions, you may have more concerns about breast augmentation. Your doctor or experts that do breast augmentation in Exton, PA will be happy to discuss those issues with you, so don’t be afraid to ask for the information you’ll need to make an informed decision. When you have all of the facts, you can make a better choice for your situation.

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