Healthy diet is important in our life to ensure our body keep on healthy condition. Read this 12 steps for heart healthy diet :-
1. Eat more vegetables and fruits: Plants play a significant role in fighting heart disease because they’re high in nutrients and fiber, and are low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Avoid preparation methods involving creamy sauces or frying. French fries and potato chips may be vegetarian, but don’t mistake them for heart-healthy foods.
2. Eat more fish : Fish is a good source of protein and other nutrients, and some varieties (salmon, tuna and mackerel) have omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
3. Eat more plant-based protein : Tofu, tempeh, beans and nuts are great cholesterol-free sources of protein.
4. Choose whole grains : Whole grains are great sources of fiber, and they have a lower glycemic index than more highly processed grains. Choose whole-wheat flour over white flour, and whole grains like brown rice over white rice.
5. Avoid trans fats at all cost: These are in a lot of processed foods and fast food, and can raise your “bad” cholesterol significantly. And don’t believe labels that say “0 grams trans fats.” Check the ingredients list for “partially hydrogenated oils.” Those are trans fats by another name.
6. Cut back on saturated fat: That means eating a lot less beef and pork, and paying attention to how much saturated fat is in foods such as butter, salad dressings and desserts.
7. When adding fat, use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats: We’re talking oils like canola, olive and peanut, though you still need to be moderate in your use because fats have a lot of calories.
8. Limit cholesterol : The American Heart Association recommends consuming less than 300 mg a day for healthy adults; less than 200 mg a day for adults with high levels of LDL (“bad“) cholesterol or those who are taking cholesterol-lowering medication.
9. Cut back on salt : Eating a lot of sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, which is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The easiest way to reduce sodium is to stop eating highly processed food, which is loaded with it, and cook for yourself, which gives you ultimate control over how much salt is in your food.
10. Practice portion control : Super-sized meals lead to obesity. Keep track of the number of servings you eat — and use proper serving sizes — to help control your portions. That may take some adjusting: A portion of pasta is just 1/2 cup, not the mountain of noodles you may pile on your plate.
11. Think about goals and values, and eat mindfully: Assess your heart-health goals and how diet factors into them. Throughout the day, keep those goals in mind as you make food choices. That will make it easier to stay true to your plan. And when you eat, slow down and enjoy every bite. Paying more attention to your food will make you appreciate it more and eat less of it.
12. Allow the occasional splurge: Key word: “occasional.” At the end of a week of healthier eating, treat yourself to a small piece of chocolate or some other food indulgence. Just don’t let it derail your long-term healthy eating plans.
How about that ? It will help us to get healthy heart.
Source :- Oregon Live
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