5 Important Skincare Tips for Teenagers

Skincare Teenager

Being a parent of a teenager or an actual teenager can be very tough, especially with the “raging” hormones and stuff to be shy with—the skin. Being the first line of body defense and the first to be seen by people around, it is very important for teenagers to take care of their skin every now and then. Listed below are 5 skincare tips that every teenager should know and do.

Skincare Tips

Always wash your face

The first tip that every teenager should know is that the simplest and most effective method of promoting proper skin care is basically the washing of the face. As teenagers enter into adolescence, they possess sensitive skin that would require constant care for a healthy and youthful skin. Using skin toners or bars to wash faces, or simply using the water is very essential in maintaining supple skin. Although both ways of face washing have been proven to be effective for most teenagers, it is still important to be careful in choosing products. Using overly-formulated products for face washing could be harsh for their skin and should be, at least during the time of their teenage years, be evaded.

Remove acne, pimples and dark spots

The scars left by acne and pimples tell us that they can last for a long time if left untreated. They may take months or years before they disappear, that if they can still disappear. It has been known that those with healthy and young skin, generally the teenagers, usually produce the worst acne marks and are at even greater risk of growing pimples around the face and the hairs. What’s worst is that these acne scars form unwanted dark spots around the face and body resulting to an undesirable skin. Teenagers can opt to get rid of these skin issues through creams or toners that are sold in the market. Many bars, lotions, creams and etc., are made available and much affordable for people, not only teenagers, to remove unwanted spots. Some products, whitening cream specifically, can also be used to promote lightening of the skin, at the same time, remove dark spots. Removing scars from acne must be done earlier to avoid complications and long-lasting effects in the future.

Choose the best skincare products for the body

Choosing the best skin care products and methods for teenagers also entail considering their skin type. A lot of teenagers would experience acne breakouts, may the skin be oily or dry. Therefore, the best skin care for teenagers should be based on non-irritating and moderate products that clean the face effectively to prevent acne breakouts and skin lightening results. Rather than consulting dermatologists and using medical procedures to treat breakouts, teenagers are better off in using products that would not trigger skin care problems. With hormones that produces oil in the body and making it prone to acne, teenagers should use products that will help treat the skin and not aggravate it. In choosing make-up removers, skin protectants, lotions and etc., it is recommended to use those with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties that will reduce oil in the body.

Try natural ways and remedies

Aside from the products sold in the market today, nature has also provided people with treatments to diseases, especially of skin treatments, that do not come with harmful side effects. Home made remedies, or the use of natural sources, may take time for the results to show but its safeness is always an assurance and privilege. Some of the home remedies that can be made and used to produce clear and smooth skin for teenagers are the use of coconut oil and aloe vera. Coconut oil, an extract from what is considered to be the tree of life, is very effective in producing smooth skin by removing dirt in the face. Aloe Vera in its natural gel form also helps to produce smooth and clear skin.

Establish a skincare routine

How does a teenager effectively maintain that youthful and supple skin? Simple—by establishing a skincare routine. Having a routine will promote consistency and efficiency in applying skincare products while seeing and monitoring the results every now and then. When one has been doing something on a daily basis, one will see success during the process. Every person, regardless of skin type, follows the same skincare pattern—cleansing, exfoliating and etc. However, setting up a daily, weekly or monthly schedule may have not been applied by all. Establishing a routine helps one to promote ideal care for the skin and makes him able to attend to its needs. For example, on a daily basis, washing the face with water and a cleanser is a must since our face are met with dust and dirt whole day through.

About the Author

Suzanne Boleche is a caring mother of a baby boy and the sweet wife of Jack Gindi, Suzanne Boleche is an expert in the field of Health and Beauty. She is very generous while possessing an open spirit disposition all the time. She is most especially known in her country, the Philippines.