Do you take calcium supplements? There’s a research that the pills should be taken with caution. Previous studies linked higher calcium intake with a reduction of heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.
The new research from Germany found the vital difference between dietary calcium from sources such as cheese, greens,milk and kale and supplements. The mineral floods the bloodstream that cause changes on the walls of arteries. The study analysed data on 23,980 German men and women aged 35 – 64 that taking part in a study from European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
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A total of 354 heart attacks, 260 strokes and 267 associated deaths were recorded over period of 11 years. Participants include whose diet with moderate intake of calcium around 820 mg daily from all sources had a 31 per cent lower heart attack risk than those with the lowest intake. But no significant benefit was seen when calcium intake rose to more than 1,100 mg per day. People taking supplements that included calcium were 86 per cent more liketly to suffer a heart attack than those taking no supplements.
The participants that only used calcium supplement, the risk of heart attack become doubled. The researchers led by Sabine Rohrman from Universy of Zurich, Switzerland wrote in the online edition of the journal Heart.
In a comment article accompanying the research paper, two experts from New Zealand examined in detail the safety of calcium supplements.
“calcium supplements, which might raise (heart disease) risk, should be taken with caution”
Ian Reid and Mark Bolland, from the University of Auckland, pointed out that previous research had linked the supplements to kidney stones and gut and abdominal symptoms.
Profs Reid and Bolland stressed that dietary calcium, taken in small amounts spread throughout the day, was absorbed slowly.
But supplements caused calcium levels in the blood to soar above the normal range, possibly signifantly increasing the risk of artery calcification.
Reference :- Times of Malta
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