Changing Health Needs as We Age

Parent Care Health

Most of us, when we were young, rarely even thought about our health unless we were feeling poorly. As we age we begin to notice our bodies changing; getting tired more quickly, gaining weight and other miscellaneous aches and pains. There are some over the counter aides that can really help besides the obvious health benefits of a balanced diet and exercise.

Ageing Oral Health

I recently found out that I was vitamin D deficient. I was feeling tired and even depressed and after having blood drawn for my yearly physical my doctor informed me that I needed to start taking vitamin D supplements. I used to spend a great deal of time out in the sun as a young person and then as I aged I had less time. Not only that but all the new information in the last twenty or so years about the dangers of the sun and cancer has caused me to spend even less time outside. Little did I know that protecting my skin could cause me to have vitamin D deficiency. And when you take vitamin D I also found out you need to make sure you have enough vitamin C because they support each other. This was all news to me but I can tell you after getting on the vitamin D I have certainly felt much better.

I have also found out about the benefits of fish oil supplements in the past few years. I have always known that fish oil was beneficial to your health but personally I never considered taking them. I have always been active and healthy so I figured I did not need supplements. But as I have gotten older my doctor has helped me to see that I need a bit of extra help. My doctor began seeing a heightened blood pressure and higher cholesterol in my blood readings and recommended the fish oil to me a couple of years ago. Now, if you’re the type of person that eats a lot of fresh seafood you may not need the extra help. I do not enjoy any seafood that tastes the remotest bit fishy so I stay away from most seafood and it is rare when I eat fish. It is extremely high in Omega-3 fats and it is great for heart health. If you are in the habit of eating fish a couple times a week you may not need this supplement. You do have to watch how you prepare it however because if you only eat fried fish you may be doing more harm than good because the fat you are frying it in probably takes all the benefits of the Omega-3 away. In my case, taking the fish oil supplements has really improved my blood results. My doctor told me that he takes it himself everyday and I figure if a doctor is taking it then it must be a good idea!

My doctor also started sending me for bone density tests now that I am older and I do have a slight bit of bone loss so he recommended extra calcium for me. After finding out about the slight bone loss I began to think about the reasons why. When I was young I loved ice cream, milk, loads of cheese, cottage cheese, buttermilk, and all dairy products. Over the years with all the information about the fat in these products and also the fact that I have a tendency to gain weight much easier I have backed off substantially, even though I still love it and indulge from time to time. In cutting back I never even thought about the calcium I needed for my bone health. I know that may sound naïve but I do not come from a family history of osteoporosis and I did not correlate my dairy intake to a calcium deficiency, and I know I am most likely not alone. If you are aging or cutting back on your dairy intake I am here to tell you that you should probably be adding calcium supplements into your daily routine.

I have learned quite a bit about some really easy digestive and colon health fixes in the last year also. My mom had open heart surgery about a year ago and since then we have had all kinds of health issues come up. She had diarrhea that would not go away and she has almost continually had either a urinary tract infection or a bowel infection since she came out of the hospital. We have spent months going back and forth from the gastrointestinal doctor and the urologist trying to find out the source and solve these problems. After a colonoscopy, an endoscopy, a scope to see if the lining of her bladder was infected, kidney stones being blasted, etc. our biggest help has come in the form of over the counter help. I am not discounting the need for antibiotics, which are vital to getting rid of the infections, but the side effects of the antibiotics also can cause problems.

After we found out that mom was healthy in her colon and stomach we still needed to stop the diarrhea. The answer was fiber, the Metamucil type of fiber (because there are different types), a tablespoon a day added to her daily routine and not a drop of diarrhea since. Wow, what a blessing. And many of you know that when you get on an antibiotic that all of your bacteria is killed, not just the bad bacteria but the good as well. When this happens it actually opens the door for some worse bacteria to come in and take residence. This was the case for mom because every time she would take an antibiotic to get rid of her urinary tract infection she ended up with a bowel infection called C-diff (for short) which is super hard to kill. The urologist and the gastrointestinal guys finally got together and decided that every time she was on an antibiotic for her bladder she had to be on one for the C-diff. But the biggest help we have experienced in fighting off new and worse infections has come in the form of yogurt.

In the past few years there has been a lot more publicity about the benefits of yogurt for digestive health. Not only does it help your digestion but it also helps to fight off infection because it is full of good bacteria. The doctors put her on the tablespoon of the Metamucil and four teaspoons or more of the yogurt (this particular doctor recommended Fage yogurt) since her last infection and so far so good. I have also noticed a change in her appetite for the better which has been in decline since the surgery. After all the doctor visits and tests it boils down to fiber and yogurt. Something I wish I would have know about earlier!

These are just a few easy fixes I have found out about in the last few years that have really improved my health and the health of my mother. I have passed this information along to my children and other family members so that they will be aware of these simple beneficial remedies.

Sometimes as we age we do not notice the changes in our lives until it begins to show up in our health. As in my life I thought watching out for the harmful rays of the sun was a wise thing, and it is, but the lack of the suns rays can also bring about fatigue, depression, and other unwanted side affects as well. Also, cutting down on dairy because of the fat intake can have some harmful side affects in regards to your bones. There are many things to think about as we age, just be careful that as you cut things out of your life you are not causing other things to go awry. The seemingly small things we do or do not do can make a big difference!

Always curious, Ashley Hardway is constantly learning and passionate about sharing what she learns with others. Based in Houston, Texas, she loves to help families grow stronger, help their environments and communities, and keep moving forward! Check out @NannyLady on Twitter to connect and find out more.