Difficulty sleeping problems often occur among individuals. The disease is called insomnia. Insomnia is the inability to sleep, or the inability to get enough sleep.
Hours of sleep needed by a dependent on age. Babies and children need time to sleep longer than older people. Number of bedrooms needed by the elderly is about 4-5 hours compared with younger people who need 8 hours.
The following are symptoms of insomnia
1. Difficulty sleeping.
2. Sleep is often disturbed
3. Frequent waking at night.
4. Wake up early and sleep difficulties.
5. Being tired, sleepy and irritable during the day.
1. Stress and anxiety
2. Inconvenience does not match the surrounding environment to sleep – for example, noisy, dirty, cold or hot.
3. The new environment – e.g. Moving to a new home.
4. Nocturia (urination at night) – usually found in the elderly caused by diseases such as prostate disease or weakness of the muscles of the bladder.
5. Pain in certain diseases.
6. Triggered by drugs, eg alcohol will soon lead to a short sleep, but insomnia is back.
7. Cessation of intake of certain drugs, such as the hypnotic agent.
What can be done by you
1. Make a more comfortable sleeping environment.
2. Provide a specific time for sleep.
3. Avoid too many exciting things before bed.
4. Avoid sleeping on the brief day.
5. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before bedtime. Take a milky drink.
6. Exercise regularly during the day, 3-5 times a week, but avoid exercise before going to bed.
7. If you have not slept in 20 minutes, get up from your bed and sit in another room until you feel sleepy.
8. Read book.
9. Listen to soft music.
10.Runding with your doctor if the problem persists for many days or interfere with your daily activities.
11. Take the medicine as hypnotic agents for insomnia only when prescribed by a doctor.
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The bestselling guide to curing insomnia without drugs by “a pioneer” of the field, now updated with the latest research (The Wall Street Journal)
For the past ten years, sleep-deprived Americans have found natural, drug-free relief from insomnia with the help of Dr. Gregg D. Jacobs’s Say Good Night to Insomnia.
Jacobs’s program, developed and tested at Harvard Medical School and based on cognitive behavioral therapy, has been shown to improve sleep long-term in 80 percent of patients, making it the gold standard for treatment. He provides techniques for eliminating sleeping pills; establishing sleep-promoting behaviors and lifestyle practices; and improving relaxation, reducing stress, and changing negative thoughts about sleep.
In this updated edition, Jacobs surveys the limitations and dangers of the new generation of sleeping pills, dispels misleading and confusing claims about sleep and health, and shares cutting-edge research on insomnia that proves his approach is more effective than sleeping pills.
Say Good Night to Insomnia is the definitive guide to overcoming insomnia without drugs for the thousands of Americans who are looking for a healthy night’s rest.
If people were meant to pop out of bed, we’d all sleep in toasters.
Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.
The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.
Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed.
There is no hope for a civilization which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock.
Sperr is among the estimated one in three U.S adults who suffer from insomnia with difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep.