Exercise Alone Won’t Help You Lose Weight

weight Loss through sport

How about the title? Maybe some of you that want to work out will think again about it.
There’s a study on why exercise alone won’t help lose weight and the findings are :-


  • Exercise alone is almost useless when it comes to losing weight. Researchers tracked people who added more workouts to their training schedules but kept their diets the same and found they lost only a few pounds. Our energy system is a lot more complicated than calories in versus calories out, so it’s hard to create a calorie deficit just with exercise.
  • Exercise accounts for a small percentage of our daily calorie burn. Fewer than 30 percent of the energy we expend comes from exercise. We burn more calories doing everyday things like breathing and digesting.
  • Exercise can undermine weight loss. We’ve all told ourselves that we deserve that margarita or slice of pizza because we went to spin class earlier. In other words, working out can make you eat more, either because you think you burned off a bunch of calories or because you’re actually hungrier. Your body may even conserve energy after exercising to try to hang onto fat for future energy needs.
  • More exercise doesn’t mean more calories burned. This theory is still being tested, but scientists found evidence that after a certain amount of exercise, you stop burning energy at the same rate. So logging double the steps on your Fitbit doesn’t necessarily mean you burned double the calories.

The best strategies to lose pound is by watching your portion size, staying away from high-fat foods, restricting your calorie intake and exercising regularly. If you’re serious about losing weight, get advice from expertise such as primary care doctor or nutritionist and create a plan that’s best for you.

Source :- Vox

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