You never know when the need for a denture implant may arise. Maybe there’s a decaying tooth that you didn’t notice, and the dentist just asked you to get an implant. You may have a lot of questions about dental implants, and this blog is an attempt to answer all your questions.
Getting full dentures or denture implants is a critical procedure, and you need to have proper knowledge about this process. This article will see the various factors that you should be oriented with before you sit on that dentist’s chair with a drill in your mouth.
- The Process of Denture Implants
The surgery may last just a couple of hours. The whole process may take over a month. You have to visit the dental surgeon on multiple occasions, the first process is removing the decaying tooth, which may be followed by grafting of bone if the need arises. Then sufficient time is provided for healing followed by an actual implant. Once the implant process is completed, the dentist will wait for the bone growth and healing to complete before placing the cap or crown, which completes the process.
Even after the process is completed, you are required to take various precautions to avoid any complications. Now, if anyone tells you that it’s a matter of hours, don’t be tricked into it.
Type of Implant
There are various types of implants available to suit the patients’ needs: the three most common ones being zygomatic, subperiosteal, and endosteal techniques.
- Zygomatic implants- These are considered to be the most complicated but the most effective. It may take up to 4 months to heal. In this case, the implants are on the cheekbones and not the gums and bones, as is the case with the others.
- Subperiosteal– It takes up to 3 months to heal. In this case, the implant rests on the bone and is beneath the gum.
- Endosteal- This is the safest implant and takes up to 6 months to heal completely. In this case, the implant has placeholder posts that are shaped like screws.
- Health Implications
Getting a tooth implant could lead to health complications if you don’t pay attention to aftercare. Infections are the most common side effect and should be your prime concern. Also, there’s a chance of misalignment if the procedure is not conducted effectively or an allergic reaction to the implant material. Damage to the nerve (Inferior Alveolar) is a major risk you run when getting denture implants.
Therefore, before you get an implant, have an in-depth discussion with your dentist regarding these factors and get a good grasp of the various precautions that should be taken on your part.
- Dentist’s Experience & Reputation
Whether your doctor is experienced or not plays a critical role. An experienced dentist also has expertise in implants. They have conducted multiple surgeries and have complete knowledge about the same. Also, with experience comes reputation and, any dentist will not risk jeopardizing it. Therefore, if you chose an experienced and reputed dentist, you will likely be in safe hands.
To find the right dentist, ask your family, friends, and neighbours for recommendations if they have undergone surgery earlier. You can also lookup good dentists on the internet and finalize one based on the reviews they have received.
- Cost of implants
You can never ignore the cost factor that comes into play. If you don’t choose the right dentist or the right kind of implant, the cost may unnecessarily shoot up, burning a hole in your pocket. To keep a check on cost, proper research is required on your end.
After reading this article, you now have an in-depth understanding of the process of denture implants and various factors that you should consider before getting one.
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