Tips for Ramadhan : Smooth and healthy fasting

For Muslim, Ramadhan are a month that they will fasting. As the temperatures are already soaring, the consumption habits is a must for a healthier body and mind during the Ramadhan.
Ahram Online professor of immunology at American Academy, Abdul Hadi Mesbah and family medicine consultant has been given some tips to stay healthy during this Ramadhan such as :

Ramadhan Fasting

Keep the water flowing
– International guidelines say that we shouldn’t abtain from water for more than 12 hours, so we need to arrange the duration of our fast to avoid dehydration.
After sunset, keep a bottle of water within close reach until sunrise the next day so you can reach the goal of 1.5 litres of water per day. Add a squeeze of lemon for a refreshing taste.

Alkaline Water

Also avoid foods and beverages that include diuretic ingredients and thus speed up dehydration, like those with caffeine and alcohol. Some pills and medication also contain diuretics so beware.
Try not to sweat to reduce the evaporation of body fluids.

Eat right, or find an alternative
– In Ramadhan we need required nutrients. Cut down on fried and fast food which are heavy in calories and sodium as it will make you feel lethargic and thirsty.
Beware of the sugar and keep in mind that sugar-loaded foods and beverages increase insulin levels which means a spike in blood-sugar levels and then a crash.

Eat suhoor later at night
– Eating the last meal of the day at a much earlier time or even worse, skipping it altogether is the worst thing you can do to your body. Set the alarm and prepare a small meal of complex carbs that take a bit longer to digest, thus ensuring longer hours of feeling full. Beans, eggs, lentils and yoghurt are highly recommended.

Go easy on stomach
– Avoid heavy iftar. Begin the meal at dawn with a portion of salad, chewing every bite slowly and taking your time before swithching to another kind of food and not indulging in many varieties of food in one meal.

Indulge in dates

– Eat dates at sunset before your meal. Dates are refined carbohydrates that are quickly digested and thus help restore blood-sugar levels. They’re also rich in fiber, sugar, magnesium and potassium.


Avoid headaches
– Avoid headaches during Ramadhan. Our brains constantly need oxygen and glucose as it has been take away. Other than that, disturbances in sleeping patterns and a shortage in caffeine intake can also bring on a headache. Also try to stay away from other headache triggers: processed meat, aspartame, old cheese, chocolate and MSG in artificial broth and Chinese food.

Source :- Ahram Online