Tooth Cavity Filling

Tooth Cavity Filling

Do you know about tooth cavity filling ? Maybe some of you used the filling on your mouth. In this article I’ll share some information about the filling.
Teeth are the strongest substance in the human body. It is tiny, calcified, unbreakable and white in structure. As the defects in oral health may affect the overall health, it is must to take some more efforts to protect the oral health properly. If untreated, it may result in pain, infection and tooth loss.

Tooth Cavity Filling

Tooth cavity, which is also called as dental caries, is the source of bacterial fermentation of food gathered over the tooth surface ensuing in demineralization and annihilation of hard tissues. This is the origin of plaque, the sticky substance formed on the teeth combine with sugar or starch and produce acid which affect the tooth enamel.

The decomposed tooth can be renovated back to its usual task and shape by a process called tooth cavity filling. The filling is the material which blocks the cavity gap and reinstates tooth to its original shape. The filling process proceeds with the removal and cleansing of affected tooth which is later filled with appropriate fillings.


The tooth cavity filling preserves the tooth and impedes tooth decay. When the dentist removes the decayed tooth from the affected area, they also remove the bacteria causing the decay and hence the tooth tissue will also grow again. The teeth after filling may sometimes be sensitive for many days, so consult the doctor about your tooth paste, food and other regular dental activities.

 There are different types of tooth cavity filling available; they are amalgam fillings, gold filling, composite resins and porcelain fillings. Every type fillings does not suit everybody, so choose which suits you best based on your cost availability, location and extent of the decay and the dentist’s recommendation.

To maintain your tooth cavity fillings properly, you ought to practice some regular oral hygiene practice that is visiting your dentist regularly, brushing twice with fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once a day.

Usually, there won’t be any side effects after cavity filling. But, sometimes dentists recommend antibiotics for the individual having heart troubles as the antibiotic worse the hazard of illness in heart.

Even though, the filling restores the function and shape of the teeth, you won’t get your original teeth back. So, it is better to prevent the teeth from cavities rather than making it prone to infection.



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