When Do I Need To Consult a Dermatologist For Acne?

When you need to consult a Dermatologist (A physician that studies the skin (derma)

Acne Vulgaris:  Acne is a word derived from the Latin meaning “Peak or point” Vulgaris is a disorder of the skin.

Everyone’s’ skin has thousands of microscopic pores that are there for the purpose of cooling the body through sweat emissions through these pores, grooming the skin and hair with the emissions of natural oils emitted through these pores from the sebaceous glands located in every pore beneath the surface of the skin.

Acne can occur on the face, neck, chest or the back when these microscopic pores become clogged. Clogging these tiny pores can happen with unclean skin or over active sebaceous glands. You can also get rid of acne on the scalp however this is not as prevalent on the face or back, maybe because we brush and comb our hair every day, stimulating the pores and keeping the oils moving freely. Acne usually occurs in the teen years when hormones are the most active. There can also be acne occurrences with adults or infants. When our natural oils from these pores reaches the surface of the skin and the air comes in contact with the oils it can become hardened, creating a blackhead. The pore is now plugged and an infection can now happen. The pustules form and become reddened and very tender to the touch. At this point there are many topical ointments that can help along with home remedies.


When it becomes necessary to seek help from a dermatologist is when everything you have tried, fails and none of the home remedies are helping and it looks as though things are worsening. Dermatologist then can turn to prescription medication to be taken by mouth.

  Prescription medication, Accutane should be closely supervised by a physician as if the patient being treated becomes pregnant while on this medication, it can cause birth defects. Pregnancy test should be done every month before continuing with refills of Accutane.

Acne treatment should only be professionally treated by a dermatologist. Acne therapies are determined by several factors such as:

The major types of acne lesions present on the skin The skin’s tolerance and condition Your acne’s response to previous therapies Concurrent medical treatments you may be undergoing Your personal lifestyle How this disorder is affecting the emotions of the individual.

The Secrets to Curing Your Acne Holistically

Acne can be cured, but understand, The Dermatologist needs to be honest about the slow positive effects. It is not a quick cure especially in the severe cases when a Dermatologist needs to be consulted.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is the first line of defense for all airborne disease and the everyday bacteria we come in contact with. Therefore any skin disease like acne, in the severe cases should be attended by a physician or a Dermatologist.

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