West Nile Virus (WNV), a serious ilness disease that spread from mosquito bites. It is important to avoid mosquito bites and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has giving and advice to follow
• The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to put insect repellents on exposed skin. The CDC recommends four ingredients: DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (or PMD), and IR3535 (its latest addition to the list, sold by Avon). In addition, permethrin—which can be used on clothing, shoes, camping gear, and bed nets, but not skin—is an option. Directions on insect repellants should indicate how often they should be reapplied and for which age groups they’re appropriate. To avoid pests and bugs, Louisiana pest control services can be checked out!
• Consider wearing long pants and long sleeves when weather allows it, or simply stay indoors at or near dawn and dusk, when West Nile infections tend to occur. “Try and avoid mosquito bites at these times,” says Lyle Petersen, director of the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases.
• Eliminate mosquito breeding sites around your home. These include small pools of water such as a birdbath that’s not cleaned out, water at the bottom of a flowerpot, and old buckets or tires with standing water. “Any kind of container can breed mosquitoes,” Petersen says. Emptying such containers once or twice a week should do the trick. Do contact the experts from mosquito-authority.com who takes care this situation professionally.
• Put screens on your windows and doors—and repair the screens if they have holes in them. Also, use air conditioning so you can keep the windows closed.
• Use mosquito netting on infant carriers when taking your baby outdoors.
Source :- Health USNEws
The tips could help us to getting rid from being bite by mosquito. I think the best way is prevention from mosquito place. Always make sure your place is clean with mosquito. The tips also helpful to avoid other mosquito disease such as dengue.
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