Allergies to medicine

Allergic reactions are side effects of unwanted medicines and rare. Various types of allergic reactions can occur. This reaction can occur in various types of mild rashes to severe effects on the major systems of the body. The response of the body can affect many organ systems, but often the skin is an organ that always has allergies. Identify signs and symptoms of drug allergy is an important matter because it can be life threatening. However, deaths due to drug allergy is extremely rare.

Allergy is rare when first taking the medication. Usually allergies occur when taking the second time. If you react the first time, you may have been exposed to these types of drugs without knowing it. Not all responses to medications are allergic side. In fact, less than 10 percent of side effects is an allergy medicine. Other causes side effects is the interaction between two or more drugs, drug  fully in the body (liver and kidney), overdose and side effects such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Signs and Symptoms
Allergy medications can cause a variety of symptoms occur depending on the medication and how often you take them. The following is the reaction always occurs:

Measles – like rashes
Itchy, red patches on the skin with different shapes cause itch
Photoallergy – Sensitivity to sunlight, the skin becomes itchy and red when exposed to sunlight
Erythema multiforme – Red, swollen and itchy in certain places sometimes associated with swelling of the tongue surface
Joint and muscle pain
Swollen lymph nodes
Infection of the kidney
Unlike most allergic reactions, which occur rapidly after exposure to the material cause of allergies, allergic reactions to medicines will occur a day or a week after the first dose.
Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic reaction – the reaction is a serious and potentially fatal. Patients experiencing this reaction must be treated immediately at the emergency hospital.
Skin reaction, Hives, red sign, feels hot and itchy
Shortness of breath-Chest congestion, tight core, noises, “wheezing”, the throat is blocked.
Dizziness – Headache and lost their balance in the body due to increased blood pressure suddenly
Irregular heartbeat
Swelling of the face, tongue, lips, throat, joints, hands or feet
Almost all Anaphylactic reactions occur within 4 hours after the first dose. Occurred mainly after 1 hour to take medication, but some of it happens within a minute even the second.

Allergic reactions are caused by the immune system reacts excessively to drugs, also known as chemical or biological attack antigens. This excessive reaction often referred to as hypersensitivity reactions.
The body produces antibodies against the antigen and stored in special cells.

Antibodies in the allergic reaction is called immunoglobulin E, or IgE.
When the body is exposed to the same medication again. antibodies will provide signals to cells to release chemical “mediators”. “Histamine is an example of a mediator
The effect of these mediators will show symptoms of reaction.
The main cause of allergy medications are as follows:
Painkillers (analgesics) scodeine, morphine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or indomethacin), and aspirin.

Antibiotics such as penicillin, sulfa drugs, and tetracycline
Antiseizure medicine such as phenytoin (Dilantin) or carbamazepine (Tegretol)

Risk factors
Risk factors for drug allergies:

Often exposed to drugs
Medication dose is too much
Medicine given by injection rather than pill
Tendency to stimulate allergies and asthma
Treatment for drug allergies includes understanding what to do if you have this allergic reaction. Avoid medications that cause allergies and the use of medications such as antihistamines for mild symptoms.

If you have allergy symptoms shortly after taking medication, consult your doctor. You can take antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, etc.) to relieve itching and reduce the rash. If the reaction gets worse you need treatment such as injection or oral intake of corticosteroids. Anaphylaxis requires immediate reaction with epinephrine injection and treatment in the hospital to maintain blood pressure and help breathing.

There is no known way to prevent drug allergies. You can reduce risk by minimizing the medication as long as possible. The more the body is exposed to the medication, the easier for allergy medications.
Always tell medical personnel that you have encountered in the treatment of your allergies and the type of reaction you have. Do not take medicines that have a response to you earlier. If you are exposed to the reaction the first time, the risk of a more severe reaction will be increased.

If necessary, wear a medical identification bracelet or chain. This equipment is worn on the wrist or neck to inform members of the health of allergic reactions and risk.

You can bring health information relevant card in the wallet. Tell medical personnel who treat you about any side effect ever experienced before they mendispensi medication to you.

Tell medical personnel who treat you about any medications, prescription or non-prescription that you have taken.

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