Menopause Relief for Women and Men
Women experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause may feel the impact on their daily lives. Menopausal women often feel ‘out of sync’ as their hormone levels begin changing. The declining levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can trigger mental, emotional, and physical changes. While some may consider these changes as temporary nuisances, the reality is that the decline of these hormonal levels may affect health, vitality, and longevity.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Research has shown that many disorders experienced by women such as menopause, PMS, depression, and migraines can be safely treated through bio-identical hormone replacement therapies. Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to those produced by the body. These chemicals are derived from natural plant chemicals and are customized to each individual. Bio-identical estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can provide women with higher energy levels and increased sexual desire.
Hormone replace therapy using bio-identical hormones offer the same benefits of synthetic hormones without many of the dangerous and unwanted side effects. Diagnostic testing will be performed to determine the correct hormone levels, after which a personalized hormone replacement therapy plan will be implemented, after which patients should experience reductions in the menopausal symptoms.
Male Menopause Does Happen
Contrary to popular belief, men, do in fact, experience an age-related “change of life”. Called andropause, men can suffer fluctuating hormone levels, along with testosterone deficiencies that result in physical and mental changes.
While men don’t suffer the same symptoms of menopause—hot flashes or drastic mood swings—they do experience symptoms that can impact their daily lives. These symptoms can include body fat gain, fatigue, decreased libido, memory lapses, and reduced motivation.
Symptoms occur gradually as a result in the decline of progesterone and testosterone production, along with an increase in the production of estrogen. Declining levels of DHEA and human growth hormones can aggravate male menopause symptoms.
Many men think these symptoms are work or stress related; however, it is an actual medical condition, and treatment through hormone replacement therapy can alleviate many symptoms.
While changes to a man’s physical appearance can be dramatic, the effect of increased estrogen can amplify the risks of stroke or heart attack. Through a personalized treatment plan of hormone replacement therapy, these risks can be reduced.
Hormone Deficiency Therapy for Men
After a thorough exam and diagnostic tests to rule out any underlying diseases or conditions that could be causing the drop in testosterone, a patient may be placed on a regime of injections of a synthetic bio-identical hormone.
Through the restoration of testosterone levels, patients can experience increased libido and erectile function, improved memory and mood, increased muscles mass, and an overall higher quality of life.
According to experts in integrative medicine in Evanston, IL, hormone replacement therapy, including bio-identical hormone therapy, can help both men and women deal with the symptoms of menopause and andropause.
Dr. Andre Berger is the founder of Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills, CA, and the author of the acclaimed book “The Beverly Hills Ant-Aging Prescription. Dr. Berger is Secretary of the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, has been board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine for 20 years and is a diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, and the American Board of Holistic and Integrative Medicine.