Food poisoning is a disease caused by eating contaminated food. Food poisoning is a common, yet distressing and sometimes life-threatening problem. Food contamination can occur due to the following situation :-
- Using raw materials contaminated with germs.
- Prepare food that is not clean.
- Using dirty equipment
- Serve food in a way that is not clean.
- Store food in a way that should not be
Signs and symptoms of food poisoning are as follows: –
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Screw and a stomach ache.
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Malaise (general uneasiness)
- Fever
Here are some steps to prevent food poisoning. Among them are: –
1. There are three steps to know whether they are damaged or stale food known
a. See: Appearance of different food than normal. See the expiry date and the form (canned food).
b. Smell: Make sure it does not produce an unpleasant taste and unpleasant.
c. Taste: Has a delicate flavor and stale.
Do not eat if there is anything like the above.
2. Choose foods that are hot and fresh.
- Which is not exposed.
- Not sour and foul smelling
- Not slimy
- Does not change color
- Not feeling sour
- Food that is packaged with a clean
- Meals are taken with the equipment clean
3. Wash hands with soap and water
- Prior to food.
- After using the toilet
- After playing
- After holding the dirt or contaminated materials
It is hoped that these guidelines will help to prevent us getting food poisoning. For more tips, visit Mayoclinic website
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Did food poisoning play a role in the Salem witch trials, leading to the hanging of nineteen men and women? Which poison recently laced the food of Russian ex-KGB agent Viktor Litvinenko, and how did it kill him? In Death in the Pot, internationally renowned food expert Morton Satin documents several culinary mishaps and misdeeds in an engrossing narrative that spans the ancient world to the present day.
Historic events both tragic and bizarre have resulted from adulterated food. In the fifth century BCE, the great plague of Athens, probably caused by contaminated cereals, led to the defeat of the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War. In the prescientific Middle Ages, illnesses resulting from contaminated food were often attributed to the wrath of God or malevolent spirits. Heavily infectious ergot induced a spasmodic muscle condition, which the Church named “St. Anthony’s Fire” and interpreted as retribution by God on heretics. Similarly, in seventeenth-century America the hallucinogenic symptoms of moldy grain were thought by Puritans to be signs of witchcraft. Even the madness of King George III, which played a role in the American Revolution, may have been induced by accidental arsenic poisoning.
In the twentieth century, Satin recounts the efforts of modern industrial societies to make food safer; in some cases these efforts were heroic. For example, in the early days of the Food and Drug Administration a “Poison Squad” was formed, consisting of young scientists who willingly acted as guinea pigs to test the toxic effects of chemical additives. Today, the government has focused on the hazards of food bioterrorism. Satin concludes by describing measures taken to protect the public from intentional and unintentional poisoning, as well as recounting recent poisoning incidents.
Both a fascinating glimpse into history from a unique angle and an authoritative reference work on food safety, Death in the Pot offers entertaining and informative reading for laypersons as well as experts in food technology and public health.
Buy Death in the Pot: The Impact of Food Poisoning on History below
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