Tomatoes lower stroke risk

Researcher at Finland found that the blood levels of more than 1,000 respondent ages 46-65 decrease after eating tomatoes. The result has been published in Journal Neurology October issue.  Their researcher recommends tomatoes and tomato-based product because it contain more lycopene than other fruits and vegetables.

What is Lycopene

Lycopene are a powerful antioxidant. It could reduces inflammation and keep your guard against the formation of blood clots that block blood flow to the brain.  Jorni Karppi from Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Eastern Finland said that tomatoes could lower risk of any story. It is based on the evidence that a diet high in lycopene could lower risk of stroke. The study also found that lycopene was the only antioxidant associated with a lower risk.

Tomatoes are full of serum carotenoids that ive produce its vivid color . The study from Finnish affirms that tomatoes effective in avoiding strokes.

Maybe tomatoes are good to our health but it won’t prevent a stroke if your life is unhealthy. The National Stroke Association give advice to follow :-

  • Stop smoking because it could raise your blood pressure and make your heart work harder.
  • Keep cholesterol levels in healthy range. If your cholesterol level is higher than 200, it is time to check with your doctor.
  • Stop alcohol. If smoking raise your blood pressure, it also same with alcohol. It also could increased stroke risk.
  • Do some exercise. Exercise 30 minutes per day could helps keep your circulation healthy. Don’t just think exercise like running, you can walking, climbing stairs .
  • Manage your diet. It is important to keep your meal in balance.
  • Cut the salt, sugar. It is main cause of the healthy problem

Source :- Health Yahoo

So, get a tomatoes now in your diet. It will help to maintain your health.


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