Why do I sleep so much?

Expert say that an average for normal people to sleep is around 7 to 8 hours, but it can be vary with ages and among individuals. Usually we heard about insomnia, but what about hypersomnia? Hypersomnia means sleeping too much or being overly sleepy. People with hypersomnia usually are excessively sleepy during the day. This symptom called excessive daytime sleepiness or EDS.

What cause hypersomnia?

This symptom usually happen to people who have lack of sleep during the night. The body tries to catch up on the sleep during the day. However, the biggest question is, why is your body not getting enough sleep at night? Are you sleep deprived because you are going bed too late and getting up too early? Are you sleepy during the day because of insomnia problem at night? Sleep may be disturbed by certain sleep disorder condition such as sleep-disordered breathing, periodic limb movement in sleep, or narcolepsy. Those people who suffered obstructive sleep apnea in which breathing stops and starts again repeatedly, oversleep and experience daytime sleepiness. Certain medication such as tranquilizers also have side effect of causing day-time sleepiness or hypersomnia.

Can having hypersomnia be serious?

Hypersomnia can cause difficulties with memory and concentration thus affecting performance. This can become especially dangerous when poor performance resulting from sleepiness leads to accidents. Other than that, researchers have discovered the side effect of being too much sleep is diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, headache, backpain and death. Oversleeping also can cause puffiness and eyebags around your eyes. It also can make you feel lethargic and tiredness.

How common is hypersomnia?

It has been estimated that about 4% to 5% of the population suffers from excessive daytime sleepiness. However, the true number is difficult to determine since many people believe it is normal to be sleepy during the day and do not report the EDS as a problem.

How is hypersomnia treated?sleep-on-toilet-at-work-221x300

The treatment of hypersomnia depends on what is the causal factor to sleepiness. If the sleepiness is caused by medication, ask the physician to adjust the dose and time of day the medication is taken. If the hypersomnia is caused by sleep deprivation, the treatment is simple by having more hours sleeping at night. If the hypersomnia is caused by illness such as sleep apnea, then the physician must treat the illness. Other ways to treat hypersomnia by yourself are maintain healthy weight, have regular exercise, avoid excessive stimulant and alcohol, and limit your sleep to 8 hours in same time daily.

Avoid too much sleep and have a quality sleep during night time. You can make the better choices.

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