Emergency case is a disease or injury that is life threatening or may cause infirmity if immediate treatment is not give. There are example of emergency cases such as :-
1. Convulsion/fits
2. Heart attack
3. Accidents
4. Non-stop bleeding
5. Injuries to the head or back bone
6. Asthmatic attack
7. Chocking
8. Fainting
9. Bleeding during pregnancy
10. Snakes or insect bites
11. Poisoning
12. Eye injuries
13. Exhausted due to vomiting ordiarrhoea
There are many more emergency case that are not in the listed but you must aware about it.
A Guide to helping an emergency case :
- Do not panic during an emergency
- Give first aid treatment if you know and take the victim to hospital or clinic immediately, OR wait for help to arrive
- While waiting for help, avoid crowding around the victim
- Make sure the surrounding is secure and comfortable
- If there’s a bleeding cases due to an accident, bandage and apply pressure with clean cloth to the point where bleeding occurs. Avoid contact with the victim’s blood
- If the victim faint, lay the patient int the lateral position in a safe environment
That’s some basic guide to help you manage emergency cases. It will help the patient.
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